Wanna Do It ? [English], by Yoshu Ohepe

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 2 comments
more wet and sloppy hentai, yahaaa !!

By Yoshu Ohepe, the king, no, the emperor of “Wet And Sloppy” hentai, and thanks to my dear Desu², also thanks to Setebos, here is a new short work called “Wanna Do It” :D

Even with the best intentions, I can’t write it has an astounding scenario, at the best there’s some touching note halfway… However, how could you expect so much from a short work ;) Nah, the good, the very good point here is Yoshu Ohepe’s drawing talent, I really hope you’re going to love this work as much as I did :twisted:

For MORE stuff by Yoshu Ohepe, don’t miss The list of all his shares on Hentairules!

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(9 MB, 24 pictures, English)
(please, if you can, can you use the depositfiles links ? That will come as a small reward for me, thanks ! :) )

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15 years ago

Thanks for posting this, Oliver. Yoshu’s art is amazing! This is a short and to the point story, I’ll admit, but his style always draws you into the frame. I’ll never tire of this artist.
Sorry, Ero-Otoko, I’m on a mission to see all of his untranslated work in English.
If you don’t know, Yoshu does awesome full colour art, Check it out on his website, link below.

Guest #2
Guest #2
15 years ago

depositfiles link is dead, thx for the share!