Hishoka Drop chapter 4, + chapters 1-4 in another Zip file [English, 123 pictures], by Haruki
I’m always amazed to see I can LOVE so much Hishoka Drop, even though it contains whitened censorship, even though the drawing style could be 20 years old… I guess the simple explanation is that, whatever the year, talent comes first… And, believe me, the artist, Haruki, is packed with hentai talent In this new chapter, as of usual, the male hero (phantasizing as always on his coldest female colleague) has a threesome with the two hottest girls of the squad (they’re technically supposed to be working in a company ^^;;), and, bonus, another cold-looking girl comes to finish him off. I wish this chapter had lasted much longer |
(For MORE stuff by this artist, Cf. The list of Haruki’s works on Hentairules)
Hishoka Drop COMPLETE volume 1 is available HERE !
Domo arigato Mr. … Oliver.
you should start posting some actually half decent shit, all the stuff you posted over the past 2 weeks has been nothing but low quality crap that i wouldnt give to a 13 yr old to spank it to. seriously like last year you used to have such good stuff, now its just crap, shit i could find better copypaste off 4chan
@hentai fan,Do you know of any good hentai? Why don’t you find it an have it commissioned? Or track it down ready done and suggest it to sites like this. Try being constructive instead of destructive and put your money where you mouth is, because mouth is all you’ve got right now.
It’s funny you mention the age 13 in your post, I’ll wager that’s how old you are. Give us a break! I’ll hazard you can’t, though.
Many thanx Oliver
I know he is just a hentai manga character, but I really want to slap the shit out of Daisuke. When the fuck is he going to go after the chick he likes instead of banging every other girl in the office?
Frustrating storyline is frustrating.
Thanks for sharing this, Oliver. Only you could share quality hentai where I get *pissed off over the plot* and hope that the main character fucking gets his shit together in the next chapter.
Setebos, i can’t agree with you more. I hate those guys who do nothing, but criticize. They have no rspect for other people hard work.
Oliver, just as Zathael mentioned before, you are doing a remarkable job.
Arigato Oliver-san thanks to you I can keep reading this great story *grins* and for those who don’t put up they should just shut up. He is spending his time, his money and we get it for free..FREE!!
Need I say more?
Yeah, Ishoka Drop is really an excellent one. Yet I don’t like old-school style, so I guess this is not so old schoold…
@ Setebos
maybe something like this
which i have 5 chapters of :3
and no im not 13 more like 22, but to the point i dont think a 13 yr old would want to look at this shit, it looks like it was drawn in the late 80’s
SERIOUSLY OLIVER GET OFF YOUR ASS AND FIND US SOME GOOD SPANK MATERIAL, btw can upload entire hot springs collection
@hentai fan
And yet again you are proving how immature you are whatever your age is. Do you really expect Oliver to listen to you with that attitude? Would you be willing to listen to someone who was spouting off the way you are?
Your link was a single picture, and I was only able to find out the title was “Welcome to Animal Ear Hot Springs” by searching Baka-Updates based on your uninformative last sentence. Where as Oliver puts in the effort to run this website with frequent updates all while also working a normal job.
Hishoka Drop was first released in 2006 with 3 volumes (and even has a sequel called Houkago Drop), but only recently has someone (Tadanohito) started translating it. If by 80’s you mean similar draw style to Suehirogari or Hiroyuki Utatane, some folks enjoy that style. If you are not one of them, just dont download it. Oliver uploads a wide range, and it is a given that everything won’t appeal to everybody.
Various replies
– regarding the main male char, yes that is horribly frustrating, like in Love Junkies (WTF his girlfriend is still a virgin after more than six months even though she’s asking for it, JUST DIE YOU FREAK BOYFRIEND)
– about the critics made by Hentai Fan.
Thank you guys for your support, I really appreciate it.
To reply to Hentai Fan, you must never, never forget, on internet and even more in the real life, that other people will have opinions different from yours, and save for a very restricted number of subjects, their opinions will be as valid as yours.
I consider I’m sharing, without fake modesty, really good stuff. As good as previously. requirements.
And regarding the example picture you gave, that is a REALLY good illustration of how different tastes can be. When I saw this, I thought it was (1) sick lolicon and (2) ugly and unoriginal.
You could even make it a 300 pages long SHQ manga, I would have never accepted to share it.
As everyone stated, Fentai Fan, the only choice you have is to shut up and leech only the stuff you appreciate.
Of course you’re free to express critics and disagreement, but remember you shouldn’t state a simple personal opinion as a universal judgement, especially when it is obvious you’re going to hurt your readers.
End of the story, there’s too much emo on internet, let’s stay cool
erm, I sort of messed up a line with a wrong cut and paste, the “requirements” word should have been “I have high quality requirements for my shares”.
Oliver you used to post the best stuff; petroid, my balls(what happend to my balls anyways) and other amazing things like that. I’m just saying recently the stuff you have been posting seems like you’ve put 0 effort into finding decent things ( all these posting with the chicks with un-naturally huge tits, and they are so poorly drawn I can’t even look at them)
I could spend 5 minutes on the chans and pull up better stuff than this. And to your comment of ew lollicon, what about all the petroid and other lolli things you’ve posted and the incest?
Honestly you should give me a link to send you zip’s of better quality stuff.
Just wanna say that this manga Oliver shares with us now is just as great, if not greater, than all of his other shares.
Though the main hero is a wimp in these 4 chapters, you guys shouldnt bitch about him not going after the girl he likes, and bang the other girls…
The hentai artist is just teasing us with this, so just wait for the chapters to be completely translated in the near future, and buy the shit, if you liked the manga.
And the manga that Hentai Fan is trying to push on us is ILLEGAL in my country. Dont want the cops to spy on my comp, or i’m in deep shit. Any depiction of loli whatsoever leads to doing time in jail for a decade in Scandinavia, and being branded a pedo, so thanks, but no thanks.
I trust what Oliver shares, and let my principles and tastes decide what to keep or not.
Just me 2 cents.
Who thinks this design could be from the 80’s? Because in the 80’s, faces were large and roundy, and the hair looked like a second head. This style is very neat and not old at all. And btw, Hishoka Drops was published in 2006, so there you go.
Yes, petroid also contains loli, unfortunately. It could be much better with at least legal teenagers figures.
Oliver rocks my hentai socks
hentai fan can go back to hentaifan you have to PAY there. great how we don’t have to PAY here.
Much love oliver. Much, much, love.
Hey Oliver,
I felt the need to respond to this thread. I agree with hentaifan to the extent that off late your posts havent been of the best quality manga. However i do not agree that it is in any way your fault or anything.
Its just that you have posted such high quality stuff in the past, all the stuff roaming around now has no chance of competing
I love the site, great work on it, great efforts, etc. thank you….
I think you are doing quite a job at this. If this was easy wouldn’t I be doing this. I am having trouble just working on my collection. Ignore this person.
vivement la suite de ce hentai! merci du partage