Fushidarana Karada [English], by Yoshu Ohepe

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 9 comments
Tags: onsen, swimsuit
Juicy, squishy, sloppy, wet, soft, OK, you got the picture ?

I hope you like “Wet And Sloppy” hentai, guys, because that will be my only share of the evening, I don’t have much time left today. Setebos, I once again owe you one :)

So, what’s the subject, here ? A dramatic love story between two young teenagers separated by unfair circumstances and family ties, fighting to make their love prevail… I hope you didn’t believe me of course, it’s actually a plain but powerful fuck scene between consentant youngsters in swimsuits, nothing more, but nothing less 8-)
Well, at least there’s Yoshu Ohepe’s excellent drawing style, and it starts with a very well-done “double hidden masturbation scene” (just read it, you’ll understand), that was quite agreable to read, I hadn’t read a scene of that kind before :)

–Update: good news, this post has been rendered obsolete. From now on, its contents are available, in tankoubon scans, in Service Time Lover chapters 1-2 :)

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15 years ago

Yes ! another one from Yoshu Ohepe !

I sure hope you have a lot of stuff to share tomorrow, all of them with quality and taste.

From the looks of it, i guess Ohepe may have worked under Tatsuya Egawa, since he too, likes to draw explicit material in a wet & sloppy style….

15 years ago

Even though I really enjoy Yoshu’s girls, I still find this wet and sloppy style highly irritating.

I mean, there’s just so MUCH sweat, saliva or whatever, that I keep imagining how you couldn’t get a nice grip and just slip around constantly. Or in the worst case die of dehydration…

Oh, before I forget, thanks!

15 years ago

Is it just me or is the artist taking wet and sloppy to a new (way too far) level? A little less sloppy wouldn’t hurt. Seriously.

15 years ago

I like Yoshu Ohepe’s work. Even if all the sweat does look weird. It sucks that this one is censored.

15 years ago

Ce téléchargement a affiché 130 K/Bites par seconde quand les anciens étaient à 30, conséquence de ta récente manipulation ?
Quoi qu’il en soit, ton site est vraiment AWESOME !! le seul que je visite quotidiennement, donc, merci d’exister et bonne santé à toute la famille !!

15 years ago

im a swimsuite fetish and this is one of best beside mizugi kanojo

15 years ago

Many thanx Oliver and Setebos. It’s really a good one.

15 years ago

After receiving the error message and nearly having a heart attack before reloading the page finally, I had a vision flash before my eyes.

In it you moved on from Hentai, deciding that your wife and children needed your time and attention, and I realized that it was time to grow up, and put away childish drawings of sex.

I imagined myself paying attention to girls and satisfying their needs, and becoming a happy and fulfilled person, and not waste my time feverishly crawling the internet for a Hentai fix.

I hope to never have such a horrifying vision again. Please never discontinue this site!!!!!!!!!

15 years ago

I think my screen just flooded…