UNCENSORED version of Imouto No Ana chapter 1 [English], by Yuki Yanagi
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I REALLY loved this new excellent translation, showing happy and relatively humourous brother-sister sex, by Yuki Yanagi. I loved it so much I wanted to contribute in my turn… so there you are, after one hour doing it (I’m slow, so slow, I had planned to make it in thirty minutes v_v), here’s the uncensored version of this new release, I hope you’ll like it |
Thanks a lot to Desu² and YDKJMF for this translation
(I share much more stuff by this artist, cf. The list of Yuki Yanagi’s works)
Imouto No Ana COMPLETE volume is available HERE !
hi, if you like my manga comissions so much then start linking to my website, or better yet, this manga cost me 270$ to translate, feel like refunding me some of that money? since you refused to linkshare with me almost a year and a half ago, and now since you’ve decided to post my shit without giving me proper credit, i won’t be releasing the other 8 chapters, which means you’ll never read the rest of it, unless you pay for it, and since you’re just a cheap bastard, that’ll never happen. don’t fucking post or share my shit without a huge link to MYINCESTHENTAI.COM got that?
Aw man, I’d just came to say “thank you” but I found this. Man, What crap is your life about that you raise your hatred over a year and a half ago? Anyone would be lazy enough to be with something like that :S well, attitudes like yours just make me to not wish for download any of your “shit” as you say yourself
it’s sad that for people that feel pretty, unique and special in this world (when they’re not even close) we cannot enjoy of good translated hentai. Anyway I thank you for your effort, that’s all I can do for you man. Greetings
hm just a quick look through MYINCESTHENTAI.COM and I don’t think I’ll ever go back.
Many thanx Oliver. Year and a half of hatefulness. This is long time to hate. And what about the language? With this language nobody will pay attention to the substance, but only to the words.
This is one ugly comment.
I could write a long response here, but I will take the high road and simply say thank you to Oliver for uncensoring this, thank you to DesuDesu for the translation, and thank you to YDKJMF for commissioning it. It is a great piece of work.
Man, this early in the morning. I wake up to this, sorry all around. Thanks to those that deserve it.
Why does the internet makes so fast to become full of hate and fast judgements
Cool down, take a deep breathe, leave your computer for a few minutes to regain your composure, that helps, you ought to try.
Allright, so to reply to YDKJMF, I meant to contribute with something even better for the community, is that so much to condemn ?
Unless you prefer censored hentai to uncensored hentai, of course.
You’re welcome to share the uncensored version too.
I also added your link, as you’ll see.
Regarding our linktrade, it stopped at a point where I replied with a formal agreement.
I searched, the last correspondence dated 11th october 2007 was this email reply I wrote :
Switch links with a PR3 site having about the same traffic as I do ? Yeah, I want
If you replied to this, then I didn’t see it.
Do you still want to linktrade ? Reply with the same “okay let’s do it” type of answer and I can add your link to my sidebar, that’s not a problem to me.
I finally created the torrent I mentioned, for those that will find it useful. If can be found here: http://www.datorrents.com/torrent/45134-fakku-s-english-hentai-manga-collection-v2009-0/ or here: http://sukebe.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=12591
I decided to start with Fakku’s collection first, since there’s has been the quickest to clean up, organize, and build the torrent.
9GB and about 1200 titles in English so far. I’m sure that quite a few are duplicates, but the torrent will allow you to deselect any titles/authors you don’t want.
Once I get your stuff finished Oliver I will be able to build a HentaiRules torrent. Your hosts take more time to download from (more timeouts/daily limits, etc..) and its a little harder to tell if I have everything just yet. They will be CBZ files just like Fakku, and I will of course mention the source in the torrent .nfo (I have stripped out the banner, .txt and .url files from the individual zips, as well as reducedthem to non-nested, non-duplicate named subfolders.) I’ll check in a few more times before I build the torrent, to see if there is any minor tweaks you’d like to see. Eventually I plan to merge from the 3-4 large collections I’ve built from henai fan sites. They all download and post content from one another quite a bit, so there are many duplicates. I’m guessing that a compiled torrent will be approx 2500 titles and 20-23 GB in size..but I may not get to that until the end of the summer…
Hi everyone~
Urmm…sorry to hear dat from YDKJMF.
I like both of ur website and Oliver’s.
Why don’t everyone cool down and share these happiness
Anyway, you all are great!!
Thanks for all the shares…
Hey man, you did a great job on uncensoring Imouto no Ana, love it. And i really understand YDKJMF, both of you did a hard work traslating and uncensoring this manga, so ¿why don´t yo put a link to myincesthenai.com to honor that other great hentai page??
Gerrmaiin (wut with the double letters ? ^^), as I wrote, I added the link now :o
BTW Xenor, I sent you an email, check it out
BEWARE!!!!! I was curious and went to the website of YDKJMF and now I am reloading my OS because I got so much spyware/adware/trojans that i couldn’t do anything. Please avoid his site and Oliver please remove the link for the sake of your friends.
Awesome again
And BTW.. I’ve been browsing hentairules for several months and after these “nice” (you know what I mean :D) months I thought why not show your thanks with some translating? :]
So if you ever need something translated into german or the other way round.. I’m your man :o
Oliver, got your message and have sent you a response. I’m in no hurry to build another just yet, might be a few weeks. I’ve been so busy building, I’ve gotten behind on my fapping (whew!)
I was all happy and excited to thank all those involved with this share when I read YDKJMF’s post.. It was irritating and ruined my lighthearted mood I have spent the past few hours building up but I’m not going to get into that and just thank all those involved with this share
(Keep up the good work Oliver! ;P)
is this an incest manga that you actually consider as being good oliver?
man thats rare
@firath, he’s slowing being turned to the dark side of the force, it must b all this exposure to quality hentai. ;-)
lol that must be it
@ Oliver:
Maybe it’s just me but the “Highest Rated Posts” link on the right no longer seems to be working? I apologize if it’s already been mentioned before.
… and now it seems to be working again. Odd.
i don’t see my site linked to in all your other links, and now i am reading you are uploading my shit to g.e-hentai? e-hentai is a hentaikey paysite, and i will have nothing to do with them, including having people like you uploading my works there.
you’re really making me angry here, not only do you not give me credit, or desudesu credit (and he hates that) but your zips say ‘uploaded by hentai rules’ etc etc. stop taking credit for other people’s works, if you’ve ever seen my site you’d see a page where everyone who i take things from is mentioned with a clearly labeled phrase that says ‘don’t see your name here, mail me and i’ll add it.’
my original comment stands. no more releases for the community till people respect my wishes.
“Thanks a lot to Desu² and YDKJMF for this translation”
The name YDKJMF links to his site.
I don’t see any reference to g.e-hentai anywhere.
SOMEONE seems to be off his meds.
@YD- something or other
take a chill pill man.
your being rather selfish as it is arnt you. can’t you be more considerate of the lechers who have had enough trouble finding general hentai blogs like this sight to get their fapping material from? is it really that important to be able to say “ive payed money to have SOMEBODY ELSE translate this? i mean its important to credit those who do translation and what not but you dont have to make such a big fuss about everything. youll get ulcers if you do that.
well its a shame i’ve been liking the stuff ydkjmf has been commisioning, but i wont miss it enough to say i agree with what he’s arguing about, not to mention punishing others who have nothing to do with this. i know itd prolly be difficult to somehow just punish oliver(not that i think he should be) but i cant help but get the “im taking my toys and going home” even if the toys to ydkjmf is money..
it might have been better to, i dunno, e-mail oliver with a civil request to include your name instead of blowing your top in a comment section where you’re more likely to be ridiculed and berated.
Thx to everyone who contributed to this manga. Although YDHDTIHDSYblahblahblah you need to calm down and act a little more mature.
Hey Oliver I know you really hated my last recomendation of a hentai so I want to redeem myself. I was surfin the net and I came across a debut manga (imagination weather) of a new artist called Narutaru. Check it out its good dope (and loli free)
^ OMG Im sorry the mangakas name is Norutaru (got it confused with Naruto XD)
and if there was any confusion the actual name of the manga is “Imagination Weather”.
Would it be a better idea that someone find that guy, kill him and make him shut the fuck up 4ever and ever? XD man! what the heck happens with this YD-whatever-follows-here-because-i-don’t-care? now he will want that everyone of us that download the manga pay him 270 bucks… In my land is a response for people like him (absolutely): “Go to fuck up you mom” (in my native language it would be “vete a chingar a tu madre”)
Stop your shit YD-yadda-yadda-watermelon-WTF! that’s enough even for you :S
^ OMG is that you NeoBlaze. I talked to you like 2 yrs ago on onemanga and even e-mailed you until I stopped using e-mail.
I dont wana say my email but ill give you a hint. it has “dano” in it.
I love Yuki Yanagi’s works, so thanks Oliver for sharing and uncensoring, thanks to Desu Desu for translating, and thanks to YDKJMF for commissioning it.
On that note however, YDKJMF you are a petty, hook-nosed, money hungry, penny pinching, goat fucking, inhospitable, fascist, asshole. I went to your site once a while back, my first impression of your site was that it’s organization and general arrangement just plain sucked. My second impression of your site was that you were one Greedy little Shit but boy what an understatement that thought was after seeing what you typed.
Oliver is at least trying to make peace but you like any war hawk refuse to try and be even remotely diplomatic. I understand that everyone deserves credit where it’s due but no matter how angry you are such a blatant lack of civility indicates that your either just a dickhead or suffer from a serious neurosis or psychosis.
I hope that in the near future you learn to show some restraint or someone with a much bigger stick than you is going to shove it so far up your ass it tickles your tonsils.
To Oliver, I apologize for my blatant vulgarity but I hate anyone that I would classify as a shallow bully. As such I feel that if you were to remove this your completely justified, still at the chance of sounding pretentious I hope everyone gets a chance to read what I’ve said and about YDKJMF’s infantile behavior in general.
And that reminds me YDKJMF, if you hate Oliver so much WTF are you even doing on his site?
The only thing you need to know about YDKJMF is that those letters stand for “You Don’t Know Jack, Mother Fucker!” Once you understand that, you know what sort of person he is and why he does what he does.
Spending money on scanlations does not give you license to act like an ass nor does it give you the right to go on other peoples sites and vent your spleen. These pages are now covered in bile and any pleasure I derived in this piece is gone. Is that what you you wanted? I, for one, will not give you any more traffic at your site nor make any further comments at you or about. My experience with you here and at other sites has been purely negative, my parting question to you is, why do what you do if you hate people so much?
Oliver, I wasn’t going to get involved in this, but here I am. My apologies to you, but thanks for what you do.
I really laughed hard, so if you could upload it I’d be really glad^^ http://g.e-hentai.org/g/123294/de4e3768d4/
*sigh* I hate when certain sites misinform me.
Thanks to the link from clear I figured out that there are two other translated works by this artist (I have already read them both)
One is about a brother and a sister who both have sweat fetishes. *WARNING* this work contains shota (Sometimes you put shota on the site but I dont wanna offend you again).
The other one is a hilarious story of a wife trying to get pregnant using any means necessary like trying toys and a swimsuit to turn on her husband.
Hey, if you want the second chapter, desu2 released it on FAKKU. Here is the link:
Thank you, desu2, for translating this. And thank you, YDKJMF, for commissioning it. And thank you, Oliver, for making the first chapter known to me, otherwise I may never have stumbled upon this.
All links except the hotfile mirror are broken.