Tatoeba Haha Ga volume 3 [English, 194 pictures], by Tsuya Tsuya

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 10 comments
French aphorism : old women make a good fuck, they don't know if they'll fuck another time later

With many thanks to Sei-Jin for the great translation, here is the 3rd volume of Tatoeba Haha Ga, by Tsuyatsuya :)

Fair warning, you gotta tolerate women aged 35+ with natural bodies :o

This manga asks interesting questions, toying with the contradictions between the different needs one can have. The need to be a sexually active person, the need to be a good parent, the need to satisfy the body’s wishes, the need to satisfy the heart’s wishes… All of these wishes possibly contradicting each other in various combinations… There’s much more to this manga’s scenario than I thought the first time, I really appreciate it :shock:

Graphically, I also appreciated the passionate faces, when the mind loses control to pure sensations (a bit like Tsukino Jyogi, but with another style), however the bloody censorship partially ruined it (and not Even James could fix it, sadly)  :-/

(MOAR! For MORE works by this artist, Cf The List of ALL my TsuyaTsuya Shares)

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(49 MB,194 pictures, English)

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I really wonder how the story is going to evolve, now… I don’t like the main female character, and yet, strangely, I can’t help but feel a bit of pity, of tenderness for her. It must suck to be pulled in so many conflicting directions, none of them allowing her to be happy… On the other hand, the prize of the Worst Glorious Fucken Idiot certainly goes to her son, but I wont’ say no more, I’ll let you read the last page >_<

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15 years ago

Many thanx Oliver. Tsuyatsuya is the best mangaka i ever read. I can’t get enough of this guy.

Lil' t
Lil' t
15 years ago

if there’s such thing as a Hentai religion, then you’d most certainly be a saint, prophet, watever… thanks so much for posting this, this is 1 of the H mangas dat I’m most expecting =)

Personally, I’m not fond of this kind of story and i certainly don’t agree of it being practiced in real life. What may happen in the Hentai world should stay in hentai world, that’s why Hentai exists anyway… so like incest and all those ‘taboo’ watever u call it, should stay in hentai or any other fictive world, I’m a fan of incest myself but in real life? Hell no, that’s just… no, well y’all get my point…

Tsuya Tsuya is a very good mangaka imo, since he (she?) ain’t afraid of showing the dark side of this kind of relationship, which we gotta agree is pretty rare in hentai since mostly everyone ended up consenting and shit so that we’ll have a nice orgy in the end (that’s the beauty of hentai world) but if it were to happen in real life? total hell,, so once again thanks a bunch Oli for posting this one and those who’ve worked on it, can’t be thankful enough

btw, i’m sorry i seem to be blabbering more than i usually do, it’s just that this manga hits me more than usual i guess… prolly coz of the story oh and totally agree to Oli, the son… total !@#$ what… =P

13 years ago
Reply to  Lil' t

What you don't agree beign practiced in real life others can. For example I'm doing it with my mother. We are both adults and happy and that's all that matters.

15 years ago

Fair warning, you gotta tolerate women aged 35+ with natural bodies

This warning is one of the reasons that I actually enjoy these milf manga stories. One gets tired of skinny schoolgirl bodies (ugh or lolis)and milfs are the only ones who seem to be drawn any differently yet with the same amount of sexiness.

Tsuya Tsuya is probably the most psychologically complex mangaka dealing with the family play type stories, stretching out the consumation or lack of it over volumes instead of a chapter.

15 years ago

I didnt like this when I read vol 1 but after reading vol 2 & 3. Its not so bad now I never liked the whole plot about the friend fucking his mother but if it ended now id be fine with the story. But id really like it to have it end with the son fucking the shit out of his mother & them living together happily in the end.

15 years ago

Well, I just can’t stand the scenario, anything else is okay, though

15 years ago

still a bit uncomfortable but.
its very intriguing.

i want him to end up with the blonde chic.
as for the mother.. i dont know.
she needs to overcome the animal inside.
and go with makoto.
she could ask him to get beads too.

Lil' t
Lil' t
15 years ago

agree with JLee, it’d be nice if masaki could have at least an experience with his mom but then ended being together with Yamane, as for the milf, well yeah, in the end it’s her that’s the prob, damn hentai for makin’ the ladies lovin’ dicks more than anythin’ T_T but then again… =P

Pee Wee
Pee Wee
15 years ago

I love this , i can’t wait for u 2 post the next vol. i do agree the whole friend screwing his mom is fucked up but i enjoy it . Can’t wait for vol 4. :)

15 years ago

Hell yes, I’ve been waiting for the next volume for ages!