Tonari No Tonari No Oneesan volume 2 [English, 207 pictures], by Tsuya Tsuya
With many thanks to Fated Circle, here is the second volume of Tsuyatsuya’s “happy sex” serie, Tonari No Tonari No Oneesan Quite unlike other works by this artist (for instance the Tatoeba… serie), in this one there are close to zero complications, zero incest, easy going sex, conflicts solving themselves easily in two minutes… That’s a good breater. If you’re a bit reluctant to Tsuyatsuya’s style, you might appreciate to know the girls are among the youngest drawn by the artist, they must be 30, I’d say
(MOAR! For MORE works by this artist, Cf the List of ALL my TsuyaTsuya shares)
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(53 MB, 208 pictures, English)
(please, if you can, can you use the depositfiles links ? That will come as a small reward for me, thanks ! )
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Many thanx Oliver. I love Tsuyatsuya.
I’ve really enjoyed this series, but I can’t shake the hope that the two-timing protagonist gets a swift kick in the balls before it’s all over.
anyone know if there are any more volumes to this or if this is the end? if it is, its a pretty anticlimatic end for me.
@doublej3000, no more volumes, it’s finished. If you think about it, that’s the the only way to finesse a ‘happy’ ending. Any other way would be bad for someone. Happy all the way, just a lighthearted romp.
well i disagree, it could somehow end in a threesome which was what i was kinda hoping for. oh well, still a great series nontheless.
Erm the links have been deleted of some sort… could u put them up again? thanks.
links have been deleted of some sort… could u put them up again? thanks.
The links’re dead… Could you put them up again?
Oliver, is there a depositfiles link for this? I'd like to read it, but the gallery tends to be weird for me, so I'd rather download it, though all the links are down. Thanks.
Some day, there will be one again
Then I shall be patient and wait for that wonderful day
I second getting the links here. Hopefully it gets updated. Much appreciated sir.
the links are broken
So, no working Downloadlinks for this ?
aww man just wanted download this and no live/useful link D:
Please update the links to depositfile or others, thank you for your great work, Oliver!
any repost repair.. id love to get a copy of this
Download links if you want:!download|529p2|247579674…
Yes, thank you very much.
Thanks for the link!
sir,can u reupload this?the link is missing…