UNCENSORED version of Hatsu Inu 1 [English, 155 pictures], by Inu
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I guess this really is the time for my favorite hentai anthem : “UNCENSORED HENTAI ABSOLUTELY RULES !! I owe a lot of thanks to Xami, who very kindly uncensored the complete volume 1 of Hatsu Inu and gave me the link so that I could share it with everyone The drawings are even hotter without those annoying black bars. |
If you spent the last 3 years on planet Uranus and you don’t know Hatsu Inu, this is one of the alltime most popular hentai mangas there is, thanks to a thrilling scenario super-hot anal and vaginal drawings, with pleasant female characters, and a renowned “Fujino anal greeting” scene
(Just in case: there are 3 Hatsu Inu volumes: #1, #2, #3.)
(For MUCH more stuff, Cf. The List of ALL of Inu’s Works on HentaiRules…)
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(73 MB, 153 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – Zip Mirror #3
You’re not forced of course guys, however I think Xami, the kind decensorer of this manga, is likely to read the comments of this blog note. I think he really deserved some thanks :o
awesome as always i see.
its nice to see one of my favourites being uncensored!
Well thanks for that one Oliver
will the other two volumes also be uncensored soon?
by the way i Have a Manga reccommendation to you
not really hentai but really much sex scenes packed in a complex drama drawn in an pretty old style (mabe because it is pretty old) I think you could like it
Nice stuff as always. And a thanks to Xami
Thank you to Xami for all the effort put into uncensoring this great manga, and thank you to Oliver for sharing it. There really needs to be a way to give something this awesome 6 stars instead of 5.
Hatsu Inu…
Can’t.. stop… crying…
Xami is my new god
i can’t belive my eyes!!!!
this masterpiece uncensored!!!
THANX A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s great news
Thank you very much. Again, you’re my hero XD Greetings! 
Good Morning Oliver!
I bring your attention to this ->http://yqii.wordpress.com/2009/06/14/bosshi-ojousama-wa-h-ga-osuki-ch-11/
Will this be posted on the site as well?
Thanks a lot. What a great way to get into this series.
Yo Oliver, still haven’t heard back from you. Did you get my email?
Xami here.
Glad you all like it :]
If I get some time open in my scedual, I may get the remaning two volumes ready for this week! As I am almost done with the second volume now.
I will get them to oliver as soon as I am done :]
Various replies
– @ Xami : It’s cool some people at least remembered to thank you
If you’re curious, in terms of stats, it has been 15 hours since I posted your Hatsu Inu, and it has made a total of 2377 downloads, all mirrors included. I posted it 2 hours after the end of the blog’s daily peak of audience, so it’s likely to grow a lot before the first 24 hours have passed.
– @ approvalguy : yeah, I’ve been told that before, I’ll have to take at Ayatte Dance look some day ^^
– @ Mister Guest : I saw the Bosshi release, but it is the before-the-last chapter, I decided to wait for the final chapter to be published, and then I’d share the complete translated manga at last, with, in another Zip the two last chapters. It takes lots of time to do a two-zip posting on hentairules, you know.
– @ Xenor : I completely forgot, lol.
My last reply was along these lines :
»» “I understand your point, but really, really, unless you want to discourage us, please keep the credits.
Even if my credits aren’t as cool as fakku’s, it would be a pain in the ass to remake them, so let’s keep it as my usual png banner and my text file.
I know about alternative naming formats, but while respecting the other guys’ rules (plain lie, file names OUGHT to be sorted by artist first, not by scanlator), I’ll stick to my own naming system : artist name, title, (hentairules.net) (English).”
That was for the reply I made, Xenor.
If you didn’t receive it, now you know what I had replied.
If you received it and replied, then I didn’t see your new reply.
Tell me what you think of it
YES!!!!!! one of my personal favorites, NOW UNCENSORED! thank you oliver and xami, I can’t wait to get the other 2 too
thanks for the edits!
Thank ye both kindly, I look forward to the future releases ^.^
Greetings, Oliver. Might I bring your attention to this?
Tail-Chaser vol.03 chapters courtesy of SaHa. Chapter 18 and 19-20. :3
Agreed. Uncensored Hentai + Hatsu Inu = FAPPING FOR ALL!!
You, Xami, 4Dawgz, Jerky SP, Conan, Anonymous, and Shadow[Aimai] are Gods amongst men, I worship thee, Praise be to God, amen and Hallelujah!
Can you upload in other payable host such as easy-share or kewlshare? I cant seem to download most of your file since last year.. well its just my request. thanks
Thanks Xami and Oliver!
Btw, it would be nice to see future uploads done on Mediafire aswell D: It's a really good mirror
Oliver. hotfile's link is down. uploading's link is down. depositfile's link i cant seem to dl from. could you reupload the files? thanks a million:D
is there like a single scenario!? or several!?
tnx oliver!! ^^
Hey Oliver you might want to update this page, because I just pre-ordered A Strange Kind of Woman vol. 1 from Eros Comic and they are planing to get the other 2 vols. soon if vol. 1 sells well. You can pre-order them at http://www.rightstuf.com! Please support them!
Thanks for the info, I'll forward it gladly !
I wanted to redownload this as my comp got wiped.. But the links are broken for me. Is there an alternate link somewhere? Please and thank yous. :x
Alternative mirror 1 is down, my whole 1 tb drive is gone I have to download all my favorite Dojinshi anew.
Bu-hu TT__TT
volumes 2 and 3 is also
You may look at the hentairules gigatorrent, alternatively.
I cannot believe my eyes…
After so much bashing over the Ai Segimuto stuff – to see so many people giving you positive support.
Can't (hic) Stop (hic-ic) Crying…
You deserve a lot better than you get from the Prude Patrol, Oliver – it's nice to see you getting it!
Shoutout to Xami too – keep up the great work, dude – "F@%K the CENSORS!"