Brief remarks about incorrect anatomic drawings in hentai mangas…
During a discussion with a few friends, I was only half-surprised to discover that most of them had no idea several mangas and hentai mangas were really badly drawn, with lots of anatomic mistakes, even though they read lots of mangas.
You may hate me for this post, if I’m going to make you notice it, but even when you take into account the times when exxagerated drawings are meant to make a scene more erotic, there really are lots of anatomically incorrect drawings in hentai. It’s just fortunate our eye and brain almost automatically ignore or correct these errors, otherwise that would kill a bit of our fun.
I could give hentai examples, but then, it would REALLY kill the fun. I’ll be a bit less sadistic and give you another non-hentai example, that looks good at first sight and… when you think about it… –> Click HERE to view the example, that’s a big animated gif (700 kb, wait a bit after it’s loaded, it alternates the original pictures and comments over the picture), made with the picture of La Grande Odalisque, by Ingres (more info).
See all the anatomic fucked up elements, that were invisible at first ? You’ll find lots of them in hentai mangas too ! Wworst example ever : that one, lol. And then there’s also scary examples here, here, here, there, and there.
I’ll let you do some homework, one of the embedded preview pictures in this Azuki Kurenai share shows two girls above a guy, one of the women is penetrated… but look at the six pictures, try to see the wrong one… Look closely… and again… There : did you notice the vagina was drawn in the beginning of the thigh, 15 centimeters too far on the right, instead of being drawn in the middle of the pubis ? You may have difficulty in believing me, but this kind of drawing “bug” happens a lot !
Now, feel free to hate me if I killed a bit of your fun, but in exchange, I hope you’ll enjoy even more the correctly drawn mangas
I’ve never noticed all that about that painting. I’ll never look at it the same again.
You’re thinking too much, Oliver. Anatomic exaggeration has been a feature of art since time immemorial, just look at the La Gravette Venuses. You’re Okay, though. :-)
yeah i totaly agree with u and ur first example made me laught at some point but i agree with you if people hate u for that they might be blind… or stupid who knows nice post
Michelangelo’s statue of David is another example of distorted human proportions. In that case, it is believed the proportions are intentional based on an expected perspective and distance the statue was to be viewed from.
That being said, I doubt most mangakas have artistic license as a reason. Most probably never studied human anatomy and just draw what works for them.
Heh, I definitely saved your example – shows what a great artist can make us overlook. Frankly, with all the extreme and exaggerated styles in anime and hentai, I’m amazed we can still recognize if an image still has the correct number of legs, arms, and heads. Then there’s the amazing work of (the late, sadly) Michael Turner — Witchblade, Fathom, Soulfire, and lots more — gorgeous images, incredible impact, super sexy ladies – and he almost always really screwed the pooch in any measure of absolute anatomical accuracy (on purpose though).
If you think that’s off you need to remember Code Geass.
We only recognize those things if they are really obvious. Only if you pay attention to detail will people recognize it. But even then some people won’t. This is because we don’t pay much attention to anatomy. If it has the arms and legs, and everything is normal then we ignore the fact that maybe her arm is 20% longer. Or that his penis is about 24 inches. We have just grown used to it.
I think you’re taking this anatomy stuff too serious, what you say is true but is normal to fuck up the anatomy a bit when you’re drawing, that’s what makes different styles
As long that it’s pleasant to the eyes I think is okay, that’s only my opinion
Sorry for the bad english
This is kind of a weird post. No form of stylized art would exist if not for anatomical “incorrectness”. And considering the Japanese anime style is among the most hyper-stylized art around, this is a no-brainer.
I don’t watch anime or read manga for realism. In fact, the art engages me for the exact opposite reason, hyper-reality exaggeration, and I tend to dislke artists who use a more normalized style.
as long the girls have 2 arms, 5 fingers each hand, 2 legs 5 toes each foot, 2 boob, 1 head with 2 eyes and NO DICK
its fine with me if its pleasant to the eyes, just like Dycraxis said
Why is that Ingres painting in the Louvre? Do they have a little sign under it that says “The perfect way to fuck up a good painting in the eyes of people who are paying attention.”?
that the works may have anatomic mistakes that are intentional for the overall mood of their work?
and the work by Ingres is anatomically incorrect but it is an art style. He may be a neoclassical painter but the piece was influenced by mannerism, where elongation was an element of the style (which is seen in the The Madonna of the Long Neck by Parmigianino.
Some people can pull it off without it being awkward and as long as they can do that I don’t think it really matters
I don’t think I could ever hate you, Oliver, because all you did was make me laugh now as i am happily flapping away. It didn’t ruin the fun it just made it funnier
heh, i guess it’s because we’ve been reading mangas since …mh… forever, that we don’t care or even don’t see all this mistakes anymore.
all the other people who don’t read manga, my friends f.e., only see anatomical disasters in mangas and don’t think _any_ of them is well drawn.
I lol’ed. Every time I read a manga I laugh at the anatomic mistakes (when I really pay attention), but then again that’s mangas/animes for you. Lots of times the proportions are incorrect. This still doesn’t stop me from totally enjoying it though
Most mistakes aren’t to bad, but some like putting genitalia on the wrong spot. Remember reading one that placed it very near the navel LOL.
Well there’s exaggeration to enhance the art, then there’s goofs (frenchies can also check “Le pinailleur” in comics magazine Bodoï), but at least it’s the artist’s imagination against a blank page. The funny thing is when you start butchering pictures, as shown on the “Photoshop Disasters” blog.
im just curious. are you an artist oliver?
That’s anime or manga in a nutshell, a lot of them are exaggerated interms of proportions and anatomy, and a bunch of other things.
Though some try to be more realistic than the others. However the unrealistic aspect is why we love mangas right ;)? So it probably doesn’t really kill the fun, its equivalent to saying the facial proportion of anime characters are wrong, and they’d be freaky in rl with eyes that huge.
Just for fun: skeletons of animated characters:
Michael Paulus – sketch studies:
(note: he doesn’t totally follow thru with the Powerpuff Girls – their eyes would actually overlap inside their skulls if taken as proper eyeballs – as would many other anime characters); and Hyungkoo Lee – actual sculptural skeletons of cartoon characters (dynamically posed): (note: unusual minimalist site – the 01 to 10 are links to more pictures and works; [+][-] changes the size of the images).
Do I detect a bit of art snobbishness forming?
Exaggerated and “incorrect” anatomy are completely up to the viewer. No one said that art or hentai were going to be realistic depictions.
What matters more is: “does it look good?” “does it convey what the artist intended?” This is whats important in art if you ask me.
If some people NEED completely accurate anatomy to find something erotic or enjoy it. Thats their problem. Art isn’t something that can be easily labeled and categorized. Its about imagination and expression.
I get enough reality in my real life.
Duh, this is precisely why I don’t fap to doujinshi with disproportionate hips or fucked up breasts.
I thought it was obvious from the start that most of this wasn’t possible, and I’m a bit worried that most of these friends actually think that it can be done. On the other hand, a few of the positions shown are actually possible if you’re flexible enough and the right height; they just aren’t that pleasurable.
i draw manga so i alredy notice lots of flaws there xDD
if thers just 1 or 2 i read it, no problem, if there are lots, it bothers me so much i could leave it D:!
I say go with what ever float your boat.
I say the extra hand in the Street Fighter is worse. Chun-Li had 3 hands
I though of street fighter too. agreed.