Tatoeba Haha Ga volumes 5-6 (end of the far too long story) and special chapter 49+ [English, 439 pictures]

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 24 comments
At last, this is over ¬_¬

I have to salute the gigantic work of Sei-Jin, thanks to whom, in a remarkably short time, the final volumes of Tatoeba have become available :shock:

You rule, man :D

So there we are, guys, with these volumes 5 and 6, and with this chapter 49+ (a longer, more detailed and less censored remake of the key almost-final chapter), at long last, the Tatoeba Haha Ga serie is over. Phiew.
Fast summary if you just joined the ride : super-hot lewd women aged 30-40 having sex with boys aged 20, a long detailed scenario, psychology, incest temptation…

(MOAR! For MORE works by this artist, Cf the List of ALL my TsuyaTsuya shares)


That may sound strange from me, when I’m always bitching about the regretful lack of scenario in hentai mangas, but on the contrary, I’ve had the impression there was too much of a scenario, or that it was forced to last too long (if you love complex mangas with a long complex scenario, you’re lucky today). Good news, it gets better in the end : at last, at long last, the “knots” in the scenario are painfully solved, the characters get to move on :)
It was really agreable to have a long manga, with a real audacious scenario. It just didn’t work on me because of some useless lengths in company of some of the manga characters I hated the most in the whole year 2009 : the heroine and her son. It’s so good to bid them farewell !
One good thing : I’d have never thought a hentai manga could serve as promotional material for my company :D Scroll to the bottom to understand, but ONLY do this after you finish volume 6, this is a spoiler of the ending.

Tatoeba Haha Ga, Volume 5

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(83 MB, 198 pictures, English)
(please, if you can, can you use the uploaded.to links ? That will come as a small reward for me, thank you ! :) )

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3 – or – Zip Mirror #4

Tatoeba Haha Ga, Volume 6

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(195 pictures, 68 MB, English)
(please, if you can, can you use the uploaded.to links ? That will come as a small reward for me, thank you ! :) )

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3 – or – Zip Mirror #4

Tatoeba Haha Ga, special chapter 49+
This chapter was published after the 6th volume, this is a longer, more detailed and less censored version of the key chapter in volume 6.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(24 MB, 46 pictures, English)
(please, if you can, can you use the uploaded.to links ? That will come as a small reward for me, thank you ! :) )

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3 – or – Zip Mirror #4



For the final touch, if you’ll allow me some promotional materials, LOL :D


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15 years ago

OMG, sei-jin is really rules man……

15 years ago


15 years ago

Hey Oliver, I just went over to Sei-Jin’s site to thank him personally, and saw in the comments section that there are apparently some pages missing from the last few volumes. Sei-Jin mentioned something about fixing it “after he gets back”, so I am assuming he is going on a trip somewhere, and I have no idea when he will be posting the missing pages. You should probably keep an eye on his site so you can get those missing pages whenever he posts them.

It seems like we have to wait just a little longer to get the *complete* version of this.

15 years ago

how come that vol. 5 is 53 mb but when i download it it’s 83 mb??

15 years ago

I must say that it required a lot work. Thanks.

15 years ago

Many thanx Oliver. The best manga i ever read (along with Sein Zain).

15 years ago

Hey Oliver, just a heads up, no pressure, but I thought you might like to know that the following stuff is out there:

Imouto no Ana ch.4
Paff Paff Chapter 10
Hishoka Drop Chapter 6

If you need links, let me know.

15 years ago

Oliver, is it btcause Tatoeba Haha Ga or Sein Zain? If it because Sein Zain, you should now that this is the only story of Kyoden Sanbun i was able to read. I can’t deal with all his other stories. I don’t even bother to dl them anymore (maybe “Readiness” is an exception. I saw the raw, and the end is, surprisingly, happy end).

Lil' t
Lil' t
15 years ago

woah… guess it’s gon’ be a busy week again for me… 83+68+24… dat makes… aw fuck it, a lot…
okay, better get organized fast…

oh, right, thanks a bunch Sei-Jin! And of course, Oliver as alwyas :D
Damn this world for moving fast :p

15 years ago

page 73 of volume 5 isnt translated. i think they skipped a page. i have only started reading, and so far its the first non translated page i have come across.

15 years ago

forgot to add, this series is amazing! artowrk is like a 3/5 for me, but just having something to read over the summer was worth the long wait!

15 years ago

I have read most of kyoden’s work, and most, if not all of it ends badly, even sein zain wouldn’t really qualify as a good ending in my opinion. some of his one shots and more bearable than sein zain. i guess the more you read the less depressing it is since his stories have the same basic premise.

as for tatoeba haha ga, it should have been shorter, i say maybe 4 volumes, at least the ending was pretty well done, though i agree its nice to see a nicely made scenario for once.

from what i have read it seems this was tsuya tsuya’s best work, hope to see more by this author.

15 years ago

No doubt Tatoeba haha ga is the best work of Tsuyatsuya, although My Sister is My Wife is very good too.

Compare to other stuff by Kyoden Sanbun, the end of Sein Zain consider to be a very good end. Readiness is an exception since it really has an happy end (at least it seems so).

15 years ago

Looks like you have to thank the heroine and her son for the promotional material huh, Oliver?! BTW, do you have another hentai with good scenario, I kinda like that….

15 years ago

Hey Oliver, I just noticed it, but looks like the censorship isn’t as harsh as before

15 years ago

this is one of the very few h-manga I read where I was more interested in the story then the sex, none of the characters were very likable to me(a trainwreck mom, a douchebag former friend, a mom-con who passively watched people use his mom as a cock sleeve, etc.), but the more these people lived down to my expectations the deeper I got sucked into the story, lol.

15 years ago

You know, after reading all of this… I want to see something like cage and cage 2.

15 years ago


this page is not translated…anyone know what goes on on this page?

15 years ago

I… scrolled down without finishing it… I… I… !!!!!!!

Rambow on your head
Rambow on your head
13 years ago

I didnt like when the midori was fcked up by makoto and that boss. p.p
Thank you for sharing Oliver and Seijin.
Oops if i got your name wrong.

13 years ago

is the missing pages added yet??

10 years ago

"It's gonna get better." "It's gonna get better!" "Bear with it!"

That was my mantra as I read through the entire volume series. I'm so happy I was right. Would have killed myself if I was wrong.