Infirmary Promise, by Naomi Nekomata
UPDATE : the present post is now obsolete, I’m now sharing this work inside Futanari Relations, a COMPLETE manga by Naomi Nekomata, entirely translated, and entirely uncensored, enjoy !
UPDATE : the present post is now obsolete, I’m now sharing this work inside Futanari Relations, a COMPLETE manga by Naomi Nekomata, entirely translated, and entirely uncensored, enjoy !
Naomi Nekomata + Futa = win
I never like guys on futa but girl on girl is the best.. Thx for uploadz
Naomi Nekomata’s artwork is simply wonderful to look at. The plot is rather stereotypical for a futa story, but the artwork more than makes up for it. Great share, Oliver!
sorry man… but it would seem you are already falling to (or rather falling for!?) the dark side!!
cheers for you man… hentai manga is only fantasy.. and supposed to stay that way too… so enjoy!! XD
but pls don’t hate me for saying so!!
Thanx Oliver.
Yes, Nekomata! Thanks, Oliver, it’s very nice.
GugaHost, I think the dark side is loli and incest.
Your positive response to this cute story convey some slight… interest… in this “dark side”. Some day, my friend, you will completely turn… most likely from a future unexpected depiction by Yamatogawa. ^_^
Good story, BTW.
POSITIVE: The blonde’s completely dazed reaction to the overwhelming pleasure from the nurse’s sudden multi-faceted advance (mounting, cheek-kissing, breast-pressing, hand-holding, head-holding) on pg10 is quite fascinating in its atypicality. I suspect this is the “bewildered” aspect you mentioned.
NEGATIVE: Page 9 has a glaring same-page in-cum-sistency (a minor pet peeve of mine). The nurse’s breast glazing from the blonde’s post-paizuri ejaculation mysteriously vanishes.
Thanks Oliver. They way I see it, it’s not real, so there isn’t really a “dark” side, like you say. (though guro is really fucked up)
You should add futa to a category, so we could more easily find the other works you’ve uploaded before.
The subtleties in the artwork are amazing. For example, note on image ten the softly holding of the finger tips. No one does it like Naomi Nekomata. Thanks for bringing us another great work hentairules.