Err… Temporary post, a help request….
Errr… Is it just me, or are the post ratings function completely bugged, suddenly ?
Please, if you voted or tried to vote on a post just recently, can you be kind and report in a comment if it bugged with you in a way or another ?… thanks :o
i just voted and it gave no error to me
The last time I tried to vote for the Freaks new postings, it didn´t work. Everything else is OK
VOting works perfectly fine here, the thing that doesn’t work however is “highest rated posts”. Just sends me to home, anyone else got this bug or is it only me?
Doesn’t work “highest rated posts”, “most rated posts” and “ramdom page”……… send to home, home, always home.
By the way, rating function works ok.
well yes.. but it happen rarely, i just opened the home, n then all of’em is 5stars, while the average is various.. well probably its somekind of disharmony bug of your server with the wordpress/blogger. ^^
no problems yet, but nearly two weeks ago it bugged a few times
Yes, it is bugged, for some reason the vote button wouldn’t allow me to click on it?
Thanks for the replies, guys.
It’s a weird serie of bugs, I’m trying to figure it out
le seul bug que j’ai c’est que si je vais sur les pages higest rated et most rated, ça affiche toujours les nouveaux hentai (et jamais ceux qui sont censé etre dans les pages normalement)
oh… it’s now ok (weird, a whole month the bug was there and now ok…)
the “random page” button doesnt work too