Non-hentai request : is there a good “aquarium” screensaver you’d recommend ?
I’ve got an unusual help request, if you don’t mind, guys…
During these holidays,we went to a large aquarium (called Nausicaa, it was a pure marvel), and since that day, my eldest son keeps on bugging me about that, wanting to see more fish and aquariums. I thought I could calm him with an aquarium screensaver, but save the very costy Serene Aquarium ScreenSaver, every free alternative I found was crappy.
(To be frank, I tried to torrent Serene’s Aquarium Screensaver, but out of 3 attempts, every time my AV found a trojan or a virus inside)
Would you have a good aquarium screensaver to recommend, maybe (with an hyperlink) ? (or a bug-free version torrent ) ? Thanks a lot if you can help
This torrent will give you the serene aqurium 3.0 with a keygen.
Hope you find it usefull. I did
Marine Aquarium Screensaver 3.0
You’ve seen aquarium programs before, but you’ve never seen anything like
this! Hyper-realistic 3D fish swim at random in a hi-resolution reef tank.
A DirectX tour-de-force. The fish are true Direct3D objects, not simple bitmaps
being dragged across the screen as in most aquarium programs.
The screenshot image below does not do justice to the real application –
it really must be seen to be fully appreciated!
Je suis aller chez Nausicaa avec ma petite amie, c’est une merveille. Est ce que ton enfant a pu caresser les raies mantas? J’ai trouver ça adorable. Je connais bien l’aquarium d’Amboise [En Indre et Loire] sinon, en Zoo, il y a le Zoo de Beauval [Dans le même département]
Have you actually looked into getting a actual salt water aquarium?
They are pretty cheap and are pretty low maintenance depending on the type of fish you get.
Welcome back, your site is great ^^
“3D Fish School” is a nice screensaver
You can get a “try” (cough… cough…) here
That’s already some promising choice, thank you guys, I’ll test them gladly
Thank you
hey, im pretty good at marine biology. and that is ow i started off too! i suggest bring him fishing
hi there
I think the best screensaver is Dream aquarium.. check it out
your site is great! congratulations ;D
Koi Fish 3D Screensaver
Un de mes préférés ^^ is pretty cool….there is a nag screen though for the free version.
Most of antivirus, internet security programs will recognise keygen as a trojan. (I’m not a that good at computer to know is it trulya trojan inside a keygen.) I think either you overcome the fear, and just run the keygen, or find a torrent version that have key code in a notepad, or have a crack.
Hope this help.
Thank you for all the hentai so far
I’m gonna recommend you Dream Aquarium as well. I’ve tested quite a few of them and is the most beautiful and more versatile of them all.
Check Roger’s previous link for it, or try getting it from, my favorite rapidshare-based download site, that’s where I got mine.
Keep up the amazing work on this site, you have no idea how precious your work is, and how grateful we are.
you should check the files with multiple av scanners, cause some recognise keygens as trojans or whatever cuz they work in a similiar way..(spybot s&d hit me up on a keyfinder for an os once, making such a fuss about it that I already saw myself formatting my harddrive with no chance on saving anything^^ luckily I noticed lol…)
Aquarium 3.0 is the best I’ve found
the latest release of KDE4 (KDE 4.3) has an awesome Ascii-Aquarium screensaver.