To Love Ru hentai doujin [English] : Kosutora, by Takuji
(it was stronger than me, the moment I saw that picture, I thought “good appetite !” ^^;;)
With my thanks to RCT, here’s a To Love Ru doujin that went straight to my heart OK, there is censorship, and that sucks, there’s no denying it. But on the other hand, there are really cute drawings in soft lines, tons of cosplay (a cosplay beam, lol), a decent dose of humour, and straightforward characters… I loved it, beyond explanations, and I really wanted to share it. Enjoy if that’s to your taste !
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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(15 MB, 35 pictures, English)
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BTW, another quadruple attack :sad:
Ty you oliver.
Looks really nice :D.
this is awsome !
say… anyone have a link to their preferred scanlators/fansubbers to To Love Ru?
Quadruple with slow-motion explanation, nice! Thanks for the share!
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this quadruple attack is better than last time i must say…. haha really funny…
I really liked this one, too, especially the drawing style. By the same author, fullname seems to be Ohtomo Takuji BTW, there’s currently a Tankoubon beeing translated by biri biri, but it’s not finished yet
Rito is one lucky bastard…i wish lala landed by my house =D
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