Good rapidshare hentai links – just a bit more help for Kaya ?
A few days ago, I made a post to tell you’d be super-cool if you could download some hentai shares uploaded by Kaya, in order to help him keep his rapidshare account alive. There were two reasons : first, Kaya is a good guy, a great hentai editor who contributed lots of stuff with the community. Second, a rapidshare account lasts one month and isn’t renewed unless you make enough downloads each month, which is a shame considering that, when an account dies, all the files uploaded on it die too, and Kaya has uploaded some super great stuff, his links dying would be sad.
So if you wish to help, only a few more downloads are required, here are two new fresh hentai goodies from Kaya, if you like them and download them, you’ll be helping a fine man as a bonus
Ochiru Tenchi chapter 7 [English], by Distance : download link
and M Onna Senka 9 : download link
Neither of these work anymore, sorry guys!
You can download them from here and here now if you want, tho!
first link is broken
download link of Ochiru Tenchi is broken – it’s
should be
Both links no longer work
2nd is working for me
Thanks for the report guys, for the first link I forgot the http:// text string, and my blog interpreted it as internal links because of it. Funny mistake.
The second link does work, Kooki.
Would help the dude out if he’s the one that translated M Onna Senka.
Put up a link to all translated chapters fo M Onna Senka by him and ill leech em all off.
Gotta help a fellow friend, ya’know. 8-D
Where can I grab the first 8 chapters of M Onna Senka
At Tadanohito’s website. He’s the one translating the manga.
as far as i know the 2.nd file doesnt help cause its smaler than 5 MiB and inly for files greater than 5 MiB rapidshare grands a pint or am i wrong ?
2nd dosent work, it just sent me a “live sex” pop-up
anybody no where i can get winrar