One Piece hentai doujin [English] : Love 2 Hurricane, by Gold Rush

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 8 comments
Tags: One Piece
A cool One-Piece anal hentai doujin :) For unknown reasons, I tend to judge 95% of the One Piece and Narutodoujinshi I see passing by as being utter crap unworthy of even my recycle bin. That’s not the case for the current one :twisted:The drawings aren’t awesome, however, they’re the closest to the real manga I’ve seen in a long time, with Oda’s “special” proportions. And Boa Hancock anal’ed :P

(For MORE works by Gold Rush, Cf. The list of ALL his works on hentairules)

UPDATE : I’m touchy with  Boa Hancock doujinshi, but finally, I found another one I like and I wanted to share, Sexual Desire Cascade Snake Empress version :)

00hurricane 01    00hurricane 20     00hurricane 26

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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(22 MB, 31 pictures, English)

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Echii Guy
Echii Guy
15 years ago

Wow, it’s BOA !
Lovely share Oliver !!

15 years ago

yeah I agree I like Gold Rush’s art style but he/they tend to have a hard-on for Lacus Clyne from Gundam Seed. it feels like 90% of their/his stuff is about her.

15 years ago

Fuck yea, Boa Hancock nailed!

Let’s see how you like those snakes now, bitch!

15 years ago

Gold Rush ftw

15 years ago

First of all, thanks a lot to Oliver for sharing this. Second of all, did someone say BoA? :-)

Ok, I admit it, I went totally off topic with the above link. It goes to a music video by a female singer who goes by the name “BoA”. I still think you should check it out because BoA is *fucking hot as hell* and a great singer.

Oliver, if you want to delete this off-topic post, I would understand… but I still think more people need to know about BoA, she is simply awesome.

Echii Guy
Echii Guy
15 years ago

BoA, the asian singer u mean ?
yeah, right she’s also hot.. n not mention her voice

Well, I mean BoA Hancock in onepiece of course..
Boa Handcock – BoA Lovecock..

15 years ago

@Echii Guy:
Yes, it was a lame attempt by me to compare Boa Hancock from One Piece, to BoA the hot-as-hell singer. Did you know that BoA the singer is fluent in Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and English and has released songs in all of those languages? In fact, she has several songs which have been released in *multiple languages*. Again, sorry for the threadjack all, I just think that BoA could do with a few more fans. :-)

12 years ago

is there an uncensored version of this?