Monster Hunters hentai doujin [English] : Sunset Glow volume 2, by Yoshu Ohepe
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Coming from the depths of my hard drives (where I had completely forgotten it until today), here’s a new translated work by Yoshu Ohepe Volume 1 is right here! |
For MORE works by Yoshu Ohepe, don’t miss The list of all his shares on Hentairules!)
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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(9 MB, 23 pictures, English)
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I see, no one noticed. DesuDesu put this out with no credits. Let me thank DesuDesu for the marvelous translation and edit he did on this, and no thanks to the frackin’ jerk that commissioned this. He can rot…
The more places sharing translated Yoshu Ohepe, the better. Thanks to DesuDesu for the translation, and thanks to you Oliver for sharing it.
But as for the guy who commissioned it? I tell you, that guy Sebetos… Sotebes… well whatever his name is, he can go get stuffed. ;-)
Wow, I’ve started to love Yoshu Ohepa’s work.
Seriously, did you see the look on her face on p.15?
Probably the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in hentai.
So, Thanks alot DesuDesu and Oliver.
Most importantly, thanks for sharing this fine C76 doujin, Oliver. It is only weeks old and I play too much and forget my manners.
@Zathael, who is this Sobetes of whom you speak?