Monster Hunters hentai doujin [English] : Sunset Glow volume 1, by Yoshu Ohepe
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<– Look at that preview picture… I don’t believe it, here tits are almost 50% – each! – larger than her face, LOL ^^ My thanks to Steve for this nice Monster Hunters doujin, coming just before Sunset Glow volume 2, another folder to add to the hard disk of the Yoshu Ohepe fans There’s a risk, however, than only the already Yoshu Ohepe fans will download the doujin : to be frank, it isn’t very great, with average drawings and (but that’s natural for a doujin) zero scenario. Yoshu Ohepe has done much better on other occasions. |
This is precisely the reason why I always make a description and upload a pictures gallery, my goal is to save your time and avoid you the risk of downloading something you won’t like in the end. I’ll let you see and decide for yourselves… But please, if you’re new to Hentairules and to the artist Yoshu Ohepe, check the Redirection Page linked below, Yoshu has created some FANTASTIC stuff several other times
For MORE works by Yoshu Ohepe, don’t miss The list of all his shares on Hentairules!)
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(16 MB, 23 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
Amazake Hatosyouten! How many ways can I say Yoshu? Thanks for another brilliant share, Oliver. Thanks, Steve, you have superb taste.
So it WAS new ? o_O
BTW, Setebos, Zathael, there’s a message for you there :
Thanks for all your work.
I was searching for someting else and found this uploader that has uploaded a lot of his/her work on the internet.
I think that you may like some of the things he has uploaded (altough i’m not sure).
here is the link
I hope you like it ^_^
Yep, yep, DesuDesu did Sunset Glow 2 for me two weeks ago. Steve’s has been around for a while. Ero-Otoko has the absolute newest scan of a Yoshu doujin that’s never been available before.
Brolen has Yoshu’s latest short from me, and he will be doing 11 doujins I have sent. There will be a veritable deluge of Yoshu Ohepe work very soon.
I ‘know’ of lots of other future goodies and Zathael knows of everything that’s released the moment it happens.
Sorry i put a wrong link.
here is the link
Sorry i put a wrong link.
The uploader nickname is Anv on hongfire.
He/She uploaded a lot of things there.
Here is the link
Is this from a game?
btw can someone tell me if Warau Kangofu is still on-the-go? because the ramaining chapters hasn’t been translated or is there no translator available?