Pretty Cool chapters 1-4 [English, 104 pictures], by Sengoku-Kun
With many thanks to Saha, here is Pretty Cool, chapters 1-4. For a change, it seems this is a manga made of one single story, with an interesting scenario. Yeah, I know, this is unusual, but miracles can happen, right ? I really find no way to summarize the story without spoiling you some details, so you’ll have to read and see :o – chapter 4 ends with a great cliffhanger…
Graphically, this is fine quality drawings, almost uncensored, with lots of hardcore sex in various positions. And, another miracle, there is a school nurse, she’s hot… and she doesn’t have sex
UPDATE : this page is now obsolete. I’m now sharing the COMPLETE (including the chapters 10-11) and UNCENSORED version of Pretty Cool, it’s on THAT page of Hentairules, enjoy ! ^_^
Ohemgee the drawings are like a orgasm for the eyes. or maybe its just me
I was just about to update you guys on chapters 2-4 too.
Oliver, why no anti-spam?
is only 4 episodies? or more? Raise those who are absent please.
Its 9 chapters total, just 4 translated so far.
i think Saha is a pretty cool guy, eh translates mango and doesn’t afraid of anything
Great story (for a change heh), thanks. I hope this gets translated quickly =-)
Rune! I love you man, in a totally heterosexual way!!! It was you that brought his fine work to our attention, I’m only glad to have been a part of it. BTW, I have the bonus chapters to this that I will be sending to Sayo soon. Carry on, I’ve always got your back.
I hope you can post the rest of this someday.
He will, give Sayo a chance. He’s a very in demand man.
Great stuff. Thanx
Well, thank you a lot to the guys who funded this, I’m deeply grateful that you allowed us to discover this fine jewel
@ Mr Anon : I’m not sure, what do you mean, with the line :
“Oliver, why no anti-spam?”
If you’re referring to the fact that I removed the antispam captcha, it had a big flaw, a certain number of false positives (you post a comment, you think it’s ok, but the plugin has deleted it) and between 5 and 10 successeful spam pass-thru per day.
I installed another antispam plugin, that doesn’t use a captcha but alters the way my blog processes the submission of comments. The alteration is invisible from a user point of view. And suddenly : zero false positives, zero spams passing through, I’m in heaven
FYI, this plugin is called “spam bee”, if you with to try it on a wordpress blog.
The coolest thing i ever seen lol were is the rest?
Doesn’t work? Tried downloading from both depositfiles and hotfile and neither are the full 37 mb instead there 3.6 mb?!
Erm, try again, Tom, I tested and it works o_O
this is pretty cool. thanks
Yep that’s what I meant. Thanks.
good stuff!
i read it and like it very much!
Pretty cool drawing, altough sometimes the quality was lost…
And a pretty cool story! ( jaja xD)
Thx Oliver, you’re like…my god!
PD:I have an altair dedicated to you
wow oliver you gives us something incredible!!!!