World Wide Love [English, 199 pictures], by Izumi Yuujiro
Let’s get straight to business : Wold Wide Love has a weak scenario (but a real scenario over the whole manga nonetheless, a girlish guy torn between various dominant girls until obviously everyone gets together with sex), has just-above the average drawings. And yet, it pleased me in a way I can’t describe precisely; plus, complete english hentai mangas are too rare to begin with, that was enough to convince me to share it |
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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(39 MB, 199 pictures, English)
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(my mirror #3 host seems to have problems, I’ll update this link a bit later)
I still don’t find the words to describe the little “something” that still pleased me and convinced me to share it in this average h-manga, however, on the other hand, I found the proper way to explain why it looked average to me. A bit like the works of Gust, this one looked far too much mechanical, without anything original, as if the artist behind it was perfectly capable of drawing ten other mangas like that in a row without making an effort.
My preference goes to the opposite, to works with a strong scenario leaving a durable imprint (Sasagawa Hayashi~~~), or with strong original, unique points (like the burning passion in the drawings of Yamatogawa, the lascive stereotyped cliché & fetish in the works of Gunma Kisaragi, the detailed subtle personalities in Tsuyatsuya‘s works…), for instance, among dozens of other splendid hentai artists able to pour their personality into their works.
But well, instead of all this talking, you just have to open the pictures gallery and see for yourself if you want to download this manga or not, in the end ^^
Oh, just in case, Futa notice, one of the chars isnt’ just a female maid.
Why not mention bout, Tsukino jyogi’s Girl esctatic face…
God of Harem Shiwasu no Okina… “peachy” girl by Distance…
A no-no but yes Black Dog..
Amatarou, Cuvie, Bosshi, Inu, Hikakuteki, Hiroshi Itaba, Maibii, Kouchaya, Nekomataya, Takeda Hiromitsu, Yoshu Ohepe…
Omg, there’s already too many…
@Echii Guy: Nice summary. ^_^
let’s not forget Fuuga.
figure i add another name to the list