A question about http proxies and wordpress, if you could help…

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 10 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

Have you heard of http proxies ? They’re a webpage designed to load a website for you, so that you can pass through network censorship/blacklists. One of the most popular ones is HideMyAss.com, they’re darn useful.

I’ve been toying with free proxy “programs” (actually, a php pack of files) to setup one myself, however, the few programs I tried (Phproxy and Glype) have a big issue with my blog. As long as you browse hentairules as a visitor, it works, but as soon as you want to log in as a member or as an admin, it fails. Even with forced cookie acceptance, it still fails to allow a user to log in.

So, well, I’m asking just in case… Would you guys know of an http proxy likely to be compatible with the logging in process into a wordpress blog ? If you do know, thank you VERY much to drop a comment with the info, I’ll be grateful :)

Edit with a precision : this is for 2 friends whose networks, at work, block my blog. So solutions like a VPN or Tor won’t work, they don’t have rights to edit system settings.

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14 years ago



that’d be like fishing with dynamite though

14 years ago

I dunno about any great PHP proxy that would solve your problems, they tend to screw up $_SESSION-cookies and such often since the script acts as a middle man, and sessions isn’t created to solve that.

Otherwise check up on ItsHidden (http://itshidden.com/), which is a free VPN service with the only limitation that port forwarding doesn’t work (hurts BitTorrrent downloads and some games, nothing more). If you’re just going to browse the net anonoumous, ItsHidden is more than enough.

14 years ago
14 years ago

definitively TOR.

24/7 Otaku
24/7 Otaku
14 years ago

This may sound really too easy or may not even work for what you want it to do exactly, but I needed a SSL enabled US proxy in order to purchase a US version of a game for the PC so I used one from the list at
Then simply entered the details in IE8 under Tools->Internet Options->”Connections” Tab->”LAN settings” button, then put a tick in check box “Use a Proxy Server for your LAN” then enter the proxy server address and port listed from the above website, and if you want to still use local addresses such as Intranet et al tick the “bypass proxy” box. Just press the OK button till youre back at the browser, then close and reopen IE8. You will now be browsing via the proxy server and no longer ruled by the filters (hopefully)

Like I said this may not be exactly what youre after, but its a manual way of doing what a proxy website does for you and may enable you to do more than is allowed through these websites.

If you cannot do the above or if it doesnt work there is a site used to bypass filters, used by people in china for example, that offers a simple anonnymous service for free or for a price a more involved service. This is at http://www.your-freedom.net/

14 years ago

I would go with a manual proxy. It is the easiest way to get around things and not have a site blocked because you don’t need to go to the proxy site in order to surf (however, it sometimes may not be as safe as other methods unless you trust what you use with all your heart). You just need to go to your proxy settings {if you use firefox and btw you should be or I must do something evil like kill a kitten or something; anyway, go to tools, then options, to advanced tab and in that tab another tab say network click that and then click settings in the connection box} then find a good and usable proxy from http://www.publicproxyservers.com/page1.html and put in the IP and port and then select use this setting for all protocols and you are done
**Note: Some may not work right off the bat so you may need to try a few out just in case

14 years ago

I found a program called hotspot shield when I needed to watch Dave Letterman’s show on hte CBS site. It’s not the best but it works.

14 years ago

When I work, I use a HTTP-tunnel soft to connect with VNC to my home computer through my employer proxy.

No need to change system settings or so, just leave the http-tunnel server running at home, and use the client at work, the proxy thinks it is a normal website but is not able to look the content.

VNC Client -> Http-tunnel client -> proxy (or other Gateway) -> Http-tunnel server -> VNC server


14 years ago


Is this what your are looking for? Havn’t tested it with wordpress blogs, but on my site the login works.

There will be an SSL warning because it’s a self signed certificate, but you can safely ignore it.

The source code is not public, sorry.