Uncensored version of Thank You Lacus, a Gundam hentai doujin [English], by Gold Rush

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 5 comments
Tags: comedy, Gundam
gundam hardcore hentai doujin, uncensored ! More uncensored hentai for the masses ! ^_^Revisiting something I shared a long time ago, here is a mildly funny but deliciously well-drawn, happy and hardcore (blowjob, titfuck, vaginal and anal DP) work, a Gundam hentai doujin by the good old Gold Rush :)

(For MORE works by Gold Rush, Cf. The list of ALL his works on hentairules)

  00lacus www.hentairules.net 01    00lacus www.hentairules.net 13     00lacus www.hentairules.net 25

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(10 MB, 33 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

I could make one criticism against this doujin, this is the fact the decensoring, in two pictures, REALLY goes overboard. Instead of ranting, I should be thanking Nayr, the decensorer, instead, I know, so : thanks ! :) But nonetheless, I don’t want you to miss the pleasure ;)


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15 years ago

nice (Y)

15 years ago

That’s pure gold, making him feel like shit for his work.

15 years ago

I figured Lacus would do something like that (I’m referring to the threesome with Kira and Athrun) eventually. ^_^

Anyway, are the other parts about the two sisters (Meyrin the pony tailed girl an Luna the short haired one)available somewhere too?

15 years ago

Say what? Gundam SEED? The Gundam no one liked but me? And Oliver posts a doujin?

*head explodes*

I’ve been meaning to say something for a couple days anyway, but you’ve really outdone yourself over the last 72 hours. What is this, your 15677th post in three days?

You’ll kill us all, and I’m not complaining. There are much worse ways to die than hentai overkill.

As always, a multitude of kudos on the share and good work on the site sir. Keep it coming.

15 years ago

Many thanx Oliver.