A Maiden’s Love Affair chapters 1-2 [English], by Kiyashii
Update : good news, this post is obsolete ! I’m now sharing the COMPLETE and partly Uncensored version of A Maiden’s Love Love Affair, you can find this jewel on THAT page, enjoy !
By the same artist, I also share the Complete and Uncensored version of Docchimo Love [English, 156 pictures]
thanks alot for your upload. And thanks for the Gold Key. You rulez!
Ye thx for the key but cant use it :p no paypal acc lol, but very generous and thx for the upload!!
oh and if u need an uploader ask me i'll see if i can help, just email me u have it
I was kinda wondering how hard would be to decensor a comic like this, I might give it a shot. I’m not much of an illustrator, but I can handle Photoshop just fine for photo treatment.
I’ll keep you posted if I have any luck with that.
F.Y.I. the depositfiles link seems to be dead D: Just letting you know ^_^
Is there any manga you can upload in the likes of Death Panda? The only thing better than Uncensored Hentai is Uncensored Gore Hentai, EroGe!
Thank you
I didn’t know where to post this so here it goes:
i am searching for one certain doujin where a whole class has daily orgies and one guy doesn’t enjoy joining them so he has to clean after.
He then founds a girl inside a locker masturbating.
Thanks alot!
preview pic got me interested, and I ended up liking it. Thanks once again for the share, man!
you are one of the coolest people on the internet for providing such a perverted thing to people.
then again, it just shows that people like us CAN get along with stuff we all like.
Various replies :
– glad @ everyone who like it ^^
But you know – cf the credits – I’m not the translator, you should with even more priority thank the translator
– Anon : try again, nooone else had it wrong, and it worked when I tested
– Nara : the day hens grow teeth, I’ll consider your suggestion
– Miguel : I’m pretty confident this is something by Amatarou, shared on hentairules, that’s a beginning.
Hey thank's Oliver, it wasn't from Amatarou but Otono Natsu, the doujin was called Paff Paff xD
I had it on my doujin folder, but there was so many files that i didnt found it on the first time.
Thanks anyway, and keep up the good work!