Uncensored version of Chance Exposure [English], by Hellabuna Giant Comics
With many thanks to Nayr, here’s some uncensored Hellabuna Giant Comics quality hentai for you guys Chance Exposure is one of those too rare (far too rare) hentai works by Hellabuna that won’t be based on forced sex and the annoying pleasure/humiliation mix. This time, its much better, a mix of candid fresh teen character, of humour, and of fair and square satisfied lust If only Hellabuna could make more works in that tone… |
(For more stuff, Cf. the list of ALL Hellabuna’s works on Hentairules)
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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(7 MB, 26 pictures, English)
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Just in case you miss the last picture, here’s something epic…
I agree, I wish he would do more stuff like this.
Well, he has, the only problem is that they aren’t translated into english…
haha banzai for exhibitionists in hentai world =P
thanks for this wonderful share~ (^^)
Many thanx Oliver.
Dammit guys, I like the forced sex.
Thanks for sharing Hellabunna, they’re one of my favorite circles.