Ichigo 100% hentai doujin [English] : Spring Strawberry 1, by Yoshu Ohepe

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 6 comments
even that won't convince me to watch Ichigo 100%, even that !

And this is once again thanks to Brolen that I can share another work by Yoshu Ohepe ^_^ (how come Setebos wasn’t mentioned in the credits, did I miss it ?? o_O)

We’re still revisiting the older works by this artist, when he used the Yo-Syu pen name (tihs doujin is also called Yo-Syu Tamagotei 2), so to be frank, the quality is just average. But now I have become a big fan of this guy (first thanks to this, second thanks to that), I’m greedily grabbing everything I find by him :twisted:

For MORE stuff by Yoshu Ohepe, don’t miss The list of all his shares on Hentairules!

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(8 MB, 30 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

Hey, seriously, comparing these older works with the instant-boner gifts from God Yoshu has drawn in more recent times (if you don’t know the artist, Cf. the “this and that” I hyperlinked above, for instance), it’s impressing, don’t you think, the difference ? Yoshu Ohepe has come a long way :shock:

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15 years ago

When I first saw Yoshu Ohepe works I was like:

"Dunno if want…"

but then I was like:

"Fuck yeah, Yoshu Ohepe!"

Thanks for the share, once again. :D

That Guy
That Guy
15 years ago

Love the sloppy ‘n wet style.

15 years ago

Many thanx Oliver. BTW, Spring Strawberry 4 & 5 are out too.

15 years ago

I’ll ul them and sent you the link.

15 years ago

You missed it,I’ve commissioned all the remaining Yoshu doujins. Thanks, Oliver.