Uncensored version of Kiteruyo Takeuchi-kun [English], a Bamboo Blade hentai doujin by Tony Taka
As always, of course, this is a matter of personal taste, but I tend to regard Tony Taka, from T2 Art Works, as the greatest color hentai artist/illustrator. These soft or hard drawings, with teens so CUTE ! Yummy ! Well, it’s a good day, I found the uncensored version of another of Tony Taka’s doujinshi, enjoy ! ^_^ |
(Remember to view the updated list of all Tony Taka’s works on Hentairules)
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(12 MB, 36 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
And, as a conclusion, guess what ?
WOW… an uncensored version of a Tony Taka doujin, you don´t see this kind of thing every day, thanks Oliver.
I’m wondering if, given your overall dislike of loli, you realize that your favorite pic is precisely a loli
(Unless I’m wrong and that’s not Hayate no Gotoku’s Nagi >_>)
Usually in my point of view I think loli would be seen by breast size. When I see loli i usually see underaged girls with a flat chests. To me this would be considered as petite or highschool-girls.
Many thanx Oliver.
Your favorite picture is the same as mine! Hahah It is awesome *_*
tsk. is it just me or has uploading.com not been working for the past couple of weeks?
thanks again, idol Oliver.
uploading.com never works or worked
NICE, Oliver; as Cube said, your fave Tony pic is, in fact, loli! XD
LOL, that just made my day…
Oh, and there’re 3 loli pics in this doujin, too, if you hadn’t noticed. You’d think someone who hates loli so much would notice it more often.
This really need s fresh download link.