I’m searching for a macro or a program to quickly visualize fonts
There’s something I’ve been needing for a while, but none of the solutions I found online were satisfactory… Maybe you could help me with a suggestion, if you have some experience in this regard ?
– UPDATE : the PERFECT solution has been posted in the comments, so I don’t need help anymore
I still leave the question I asked below, if you’re curious, but from now on, there is no need to reply to this.
Once again, my thanks to everyone who helped, I am grateful –
Very simply, I have a shitload of fonts, and I’d like something to help me make a fast choice of the font I need for my use at a given time. It should allow me to :
– write a sentence (this is my EXAMPLE 123456789 è_é ^^;; – … you get the idea ?)
– send to my printer or to a pdf file this sentence written in ALL the available fonts, OR from a manual selection of fonts among my system fonts
Ideally, it would
– either use the default listed system fonts (on a windows environment, it would be c:\windows\fonts\)
– either use the fonts present in a manually specified subdirectory (for instance ~\downloads\fonts_packs\new_pack\ …)
To be frank, I spend days and days searching, and I never found a program allowing to make it. A macro, a program, OpenOffice, MS Office, anything would do…
Thank you VERY much if you can help with a suggestion !
don’t you have a preview in the dropdown menu(were you choose your font) in openoffice? Or is thair a need for more?
Sry 4 the bad english, blame the german school system.
or here an msoffice macro
Sub Fontliste()
Dim strBeispielText As String
Dim intSchriftGroesse As Integer
Dim varFont As Variant
On Error GoTo Fehlermeldung:
‘ strBeispielText = InputBox(“Beispieltext tippen”)
‘ intSchriftGroesse = InputBox(“Schriftgröße eingeben”)
Selection.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles(“Überschrift 1”)
Selection.TypeText “Schriftenliste mit ” _
& FontNames.Count & ” Schriften”
For Each varFont In FontNames
Selection.Font.Name = “Arial”
Selection.Font.Size = 12
Selection.TypeText varFont & “:”
‘ Selection.TypeParagraph
Selection.Paragraphs.TabStops(CentimetersToPoints(7)) _
.Alignment = wdAlignTabLeft
Selection.Font.Name = varFont
‘ Selection.Font.Size = intSchriftGroesse
Selection.Font.Size = “12”
Selection.TypeText Text:=vbTab & “123-abc-ijk-LMN-äöü”
‘ Selection.TypeText Text:=vbTab & strBeispielText
‘ Selection.TypeText strBeispielText
Next varFont
Exit Sub
MsgBox (“Fehler aufgetreten, Eingabe wiederholen!”)
End Sub
ok sry 4 the spamming
this works perfectly for me after executing the above macro you choose you “example text” the the font sice.
me agin …….
em after making the makro I googled and “print all fonts” the first link schould do it also :- )
im not sure what u want, but you can try those links
also i found this link
Hi Oliver,
I’m a typographer and we mostly use Mac-Software for this,
but my colleagues on PC often use Suitcase: http://www.extensis.com/fr/products/suitcasefusion2/index.jsp
It organizes and help you choose the right font. It also can display the fonts directly – you can see it on their site.
in linux, you can try gnome-specimen
You can use the program called “The Font Thing”
This version is portable. And its only 500 KB
hi, I’m a designer, I use FontExpert 2007 for my font viewer need and picking the right font for my design. Try it if you want. I hope it could help you.
try using MainType. here’s the official site for it: http://www.high-logic.com/maintype.html
I second PacMan on “The Font Thing”
Original Homepage: http://members.ozemail.com.au/~scef/tft.html
It does exactly what you want it to, and more.
the one i use is amp font vieuwer, very handy!
Thank you VERY much for the kind and helpful replies, everyone
After testing, The Font Thing is exactly the thing I need, it works perfectly and fits exactly my needs, this is marvelous
Im happy that it worked for you