Mankai Otome chapter 7, + chapters 1-7 in another Zip file [English, 134 pictures], by Maybe

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 9 comments
Well, chikan CAN evolve that way ;) Maybe (also written Meibii in original Engrish) is a really great artist, with tender and hardcore drawings, mixing sex and love, humour and erotism, I strongly recommend his works to you :)

In this regard, the release of Mankai Otome‘s translated chapter 3 was the opportunity to also share ALL the already previously translated chapters of this book, that were scattered here and there, I hope you’ll enjoy it :)

I hope I’m not mistaken, this re-packing gathers every translated work by Maybe I’ve been previously sharing on Hentairules, and this time they’re renamed correctly after the chapter from which they came.

So, my thanks go to 4dagwz, Yqii, Kusanyagi and Red Comet ! The picture quality and resolution may vary, the scans and translation were made at different times and different dates, from magazine prepublications for some chapters, from the tank for chapters 1-3.

update : I now share the COMPLETE version of this manga, Cf. THAT PAGE

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15 years ago

I’m still making use of the last gold key I got from you, so I’m gonna let this one for the next in line.

Thanks for the night’s posts. ;)

15 years ago

Thanks for another great release !

Oh, and the gold account is MINE now !. Ill make sure ill stuff more hentai in my HDDs.

For the moment, im looking for more of Celluloid Acme/Chiba Toushiro’s works, but they are all dead… =(

15 years ago

Wow, you updated your site really fast, Oliver. 2 hours and there are 3 new hentais already. Maybe this time it’s Oliverules, right!?

15 years ago

where’s the rate stars?

15 years ago

I just got my computer back and now I can get all the goodies!! gotta go back and see what I missed.

Thanks Oliver.

15 years ago

Nice upload as always. Just a note, some of your Depositfile links seems to be “jacked” by Please check your links.

15 years ago

I’m reasonably certain you have never shared either c6 – Trick Skip Maiden or c7 – Maiden’s Feelings Overflow.

I tryed your search bar just to be sure but the only post with these chapters in it appears to be this one.

I hate to waste my limited bandwith when I already have 4 of the chapters but it seems like I’m going to have to in this case.

Well anyways excellent post and thanks for sharing.

14 years ago

Please make the hotfile link Oliver…..
Need for the chp1-7…

Rainy Day
Rainy Day
14 years ago

hmm… it still not yet complete. anyway, thank for the book(=__=)