Two great works by Chiba Toshirou : La Femme Chinoise & Motel Angie [English]
<– YES ! Definitely YES !
With a LOT of thanks and a bonus shruberry gift to AKnightWhoSaysNi! (no kidding, thank you very much man, I appreciated the email !), here are two new faptastic works by Chiba Toshirou |
UPDATE : woot ! I now share the COMPLETE and UNCENSORED version of the manga from which this story comes. You will find Dress Select ON THAT PAGE
Shrubbery, lol.
I would like for you to bring me a shrubbery, one that is pleasant looking and not too expensive. Ni!
I’d take that gold key (not sure if it’s already taken) but too busy too take it :(… Whoever got it, make good use it of! btw, this chinese restruant all seems to unlikely, i mean, how does hot chicks fall for average joes? well w/e, it’s hentai…
Man i need that card in my deck haha, thank you oliver for the great share.
Many thanx Oliver.
Many thanks to AKnightWhoSaysNi! for the translation, and thanks to you Oliver for sharing this. And I agree, Tia is so cute! :-)
By the by, someone forgot to say thank you.
What is the world coming to?
Of course, seeing as everyday Oliver uploads some more, I guess the world is coming to a GOOD TIME.
LOL…. never come across such…… card before in my Yu-Gi-Oh! encounter…
thaaaaaank you :o
Thanks Knight
hey oliver, sorry for not thanking you for the code sooner, but ive been downloading some…. stuff…. anyhow, i better stop as i only have 650MB’s left on my hard drive, and my comp is almost ready to crash, which sucks since i still have about 4 more hours left on it, oh well.
thanks again for the gold code
yo oliver, sorry for not saying thanks for the goldkey sooner, but ive been downloading some…. stuff… anyhow i have to stop now as my hard drive only has 650MB left, which sucks since i still have 4 more hours… anyways thanks again
Darkfire, that is one of the many quirks of hentai. The guys are always average at best, and usually the otaku nerds, while the girls are usually pretty. I assume that is done to appeal to those who read the stories the most-ie otakus.
Another one I see is the white girl. I see a lot of white girls in anime,manga who get with Japanese dudes, yet that isn’t really common. White guys are more likely to get Japanese girls(I’ve only ever seen one like this)
Lol, yah, I notice that too, and yah, it guess it makes sense. I just like stories that eventually progress to sex, (good romance), not just “hey i like you, lets fuck like minks”.
Thanks for all the great links. Im really confused though about the deposit files account. If its supposed to be free, what the hell am I supposed to enter in the “payoff info” section? I realize it might be too late for the gold key, but just for future reference I’d like to know. Can anyone help?
Thanks, I love this artist