Pack of 3 Code Geass doujinshi by Gold Rush [English, 98 pictures] : CGGR volumes 1-2-3
The Gold Rush BIG hentai pack [English, 240 pictures] I uploaded the other day wasn’t enough, here are more translated Gold Rush hentai goodies for you, this time thanks to Iznogoud, who sent me the zips
This pack contains the 3 volumes of the CGGR serie. The volumes 1-2 are by far the best (the volume 3 had been shared previously already, I still added it to the pack to make it a coherent share), with very hardcore and detailed drawings, maybe the best I saw by Gold Rush so far, and – this is rare – an exhilerating scenario, based upon one of the worst misunderstandings of the hentai world – try to read the speech bubbles, it’s damn funny Example, quoting the main char, Lelouch : « OMG I’m losing my virginity the yaoi way !» – of course not you damn idiot, lol
(For MORE works by Gold Rush, Cf. The list of ALL his works on hentairules)
I share the 3 volumes in a single Zip and gallery.
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
thanks :3 awesome as usual
will smebody please transate the code geass hentai kouhimekurenaihime
i hope more of gold rush gets translated. he has good art
Many thanx Oliver.
I’ve just started reading it and boy, that was hilarious!
OMG they violate every orifice in the previews, even the ear holes weren’t safe. Thanks for the upload.