Braid Slave chapters 1-2 [English, 60 pictures], by Nakayama Tetsugaku

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 5 comments
Tags: happy sex
sugoiiiiiiiiiiii !! Graphically, I call this a feast.And the scenario isn’t too bad.
Once again, thank you very much, Desu and Setebos ! ^_^

I don’t think I have very much to add, the graphics are nice with very little censorship, but you can see it yourselves. The scenario is above average (OK, it’s true, the average is really low -_-), with lots of happy sex (and a good “oops !” moment), but I definitely don’t want to spoil you the pleasure of discovery !

By the same artist, I also share Please Hold Me (complete, 216 pictures), Milk Doll chapters 1-4Natural Mama (uncensored version), Yoromeki Toshinosa Choukyou, Tapu Love chapter 1, Boyish Girl, Bakunyuu Sphinx To Itsumo No Riddle, My Very Own Tengu, and Wife Is Wonderful (that one is part of a larger pack of full-color works).

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(20 MB, 60 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2- or – Zip Mirror #3

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15 years ago

I have a thing for this artist, I have two tanks that are screaming at me to be translated. Thanks for sharing this, Oliver. I wasn’t sure you’d find it appealing, I know I do.

15 years ago

please someone tell me how can i download this gallery? i am beginner

some anon
some anon
13 years ago

chapter 3 & 7 have been translated.

13 years ago

awesome sauce O_O

Kuro Neko
Kuro Neko
13 years ago

Hey Oliver, I know that this is such an old share that you probably don't check on its status much, but Desudesu already did chapter 3. But it seems to be in limbo though, with nary a sight of the 4th chapter and beyond for more than 1 and a half years. I would totally love to see the continuation of this story.