Honey Room [English, 148 pictures, Complete], by Beauty Hair

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 18 comments
Tags: onsen
I always love blonde girls in hentai mangas

Once again, here is another completely translated hentai manga, all thanks to SL-Gundam ! You have my thanks for your contribution to the hentai community, you deserve many, many thanks :)
We also owe him The Prized Masochist and Sexualism, not had, heh ? ^^

Honey Room is a bit like Sexualizm, but at a more advantageous scale : the first 80 pictures are cool with happy consensual sex, the rest is fucken up forced or sick sex :-/

My advice : enjoy the first half of the manga, it contains really good hentai both for the drawings and the scenario, and for the second half of the manga, well, see for yourselves if you like the themes (ew) or if you can enjoy the graphics while ignoring their context (I wish I could !).

UPDATE before bedtime : read the comments, an interesting discussion started !

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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(107 MB, 148 pictures, English)

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15 years ago

Yep Oliver
this manga was the FIRST successful hit against hentai. As the maker went to jail or paid a fine one of them can’t remember which one…

It was long time ago though.

15 years ago


Enjoy the read not my site but had all the info so i linked it.

15 years ago

Couldn’t agree more Oliver it really does make my LOL knowing that from all the guro and loli manga THIS one was the one to be targeted.

15 years ago

Far too graphic? Now I have to check it out. Thanks SL-Gundam, Oliver & Hentaiexpert.

15 years ago

so what was it that was pegged with this “obscenity”? I’m curious as to what this H manga has that others don’t…

15 years ago

I wonder if the laws that hit games will hit anime and manga. I’m all against rape, but those laws even hit things such as sexual positions. Seriously, wtf. Taliban is a bad thing, though when we fought them they were Mujahadeen and supplied by the Americans.

15 years ago

mmmmmm….brutalized women are not much of my taste, but is light years more “mild” than guro or loli (or furry loli..wtf!!!), the charges of “Obscenity” looks very weak to me, sounds more like “scapegoat”…..
SPETSNAZ, yeah, is the great irony, you support and arm a bunch of people and they later fight against you, and all that you represents….

15 years ago

Sayo actually rescanned this manga for me to attain an even greater quality :D

So Sayo did more then just translating and editing on this one

Also as far as i understood it wasn’t really the content but rather “not enough censoring” that was the problem

15 years ago

@ SL-Gundam

The really makes a lot more sens! I totally agree with u :)

15 years ago

@ SL-Gundam

That really makes a lot more sense! I totally agree with u :)

( an comment edit option would be great in this site )

15 years ago

I’ve seen worse but i deleted pages 99 onwards just nothing i want to have on my Harddrive

15 years ago

Mmmmh I think the “censorship” is the official reason of the process.

Some time ago a friend of mine told me that a hentai publisher was judged and found guilty because one of the stories of the manga was based on a real event and the family influenced in the case. I think this case you are talking ans the one my friend told me are the same.

Sorry if my english is too bad, I’m not english-speaker and in my country is already late (I’m going to bed)

15 years ago

this is not the original manga the original hasn't cencered at all and it has some pretty nasty stuff to but there is far worse things like gang-loli and guro or scat.
for what i have read this is a cencered version of the original and the autor went to jail but publisher was going to but i did some thing and did not go and on the end the autor paid a big fee off milions of yenes it's all on wiki and on some blogs

sorry for my english

14 years ago

Its all about the duplicity of man…really…where does the line get drawn in the end??? Who are you protecting?What are we protecting?What is the message we hope to send?How long do we hope to send this message? There are questions we forget to ask in the heat of sanctioning actions against actions..

12 years ago

some other partial traduction of beauty hair. http://englishhentaimanga.blogspot.fr/2012/12/bea