Etc, by Newmen, the artist who made the Secret Plot and Secret Plot Deep serie [English]

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 10 comments
yeah, for me too, that came as a surprise

That came as a big surprise for me the day before yesterday (sorry I didn’t share it yesterday, but I don’t have enough time to share everything I’d like), I found a work by NeWMen, the artist who made the Secret Plot & Secret Plot Deep series :shock:

At first I doubted it was the same person, but please consider the passing of time, and the styles are still very similar o_O So, well, fans of old hentai, enjoy some freshness :)

Mind you, I never said this was a faptastic share, some fullcolor pictures, some sister-brother incest, and that’s that :o

By the same artist, I also share Secret Plot Shinsouban, Secret Plot Deep Shinsouban.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(13 MB, 18 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

Look a bit at that… It DOES feel the same o_O

secret plot

Secret Plot and Secret Plot Deep… now, that’s something I’d have liked to have in high rez :-/ (anyone would have it and would be willing to share, hmm ? :D )

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15 years ago

loved secret plot series.. what happened to newmen between secret plot and this manga? jail maybe :D

15 years ago

seriously, the interim is a mystery. Still, psyched to see if this lives up to stuff like the beach chapter of SP.

As for the style, am I the only one who’s seeing a hint of inazuma?

thanks Oliver

15 years ago

Hn, for me, it’s more like Inazuma’s

15 years ago

Wow he came back it’s been a while since secret plot and secret plot deep.
Thanks for that share

Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong
15 years ago

These are some Hi-res versions of Secret Plot+Deep
they are untranslated, though, everyone knows the story :)

They are censored though :(



15 years ago

thanks 4 share it oliver
and thanks guys above me who share another version of sp and spd ^^

Brian B.
Brian B.
15 years ago

Last time I heard about NewMen, it was the Secret Plot series. From that time over I was looking for at least a background from him, and the best I caught was this site:

It only said that he used to be an H manga artist, then shifted to illustrating erotic novels, but stopped due to his health condition

Other than that I checked his link in the back of Etc. and his other site illustrates him with one other work about that’s ready to be ordered from Japan (no international shipping available..)

The other interesting thing is he’s in a union called Online Fan art Protection (OFP), clearly stating that there are fan artists such as him people are “stealing” without permission from and others, and placing their work in multiple websites without giving the artists their due.

It seems that he could have been fighting over legal issues which could hamper not only his career, but artists who are part of this union and those he is acquainted with.

I just wish him the best of luck and hopefully I can see more of his works if given the chance. We should all help artists out by contributing that much and helping them expand their careers by showing their works at the same time.

12 years ago

From what i´ve read a few years ago. There was a rumor he had been in a traffic accident and got severely injured and he couldnt draw anything for a long time.

12 years ago

And i forgot also that is related to why his style has changed when drawing.

2 years ago

Wow it’s been too long.. I wish we could have Gotten a 3rd Vol of SP ;-;