Vocaloid hentai doujin [English] : Oscilloscope, by Kaiki Nisshoku

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 6 comments
Tags: comedy

this is rare, a good Vocaloid hentai doujin

I think this is the first time I see a good Vocaloid doujin :) There is a bit of humour, and correct drawings.

For this, my thanks go to Bamboo, who just started scanlating hentai, welcome on the hentai scene, man, it’s fun ^_^ – If you liked this doujin, dear visitors, I encourage you to drop him a thanks, you too, hmm ?

By the same artist, I also share Teitoku Manual 1-2, Teitoku Manual volumes 3-4, Eiyuu Shigan, Rider Or Die 1-8, Holy Infinite, Momoiro Toiki, Brittania No Hito, Ponytail no Kanojo + Tsuruya Sutairu and Villetta Sensei Ni Moeru Hon.

I also share a bunch of Youtube videos about Vocaloid at the bottom of this post, if you’re curious and you may like to hear more.

english hentai   english hentai english hentai

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(8 MB, 28 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

If you don’t know Vocaloid, I suggest you first start by reading Wikipedia’s article about it. When you come back because the article is boring to death, here is a faster summary ;)

Vocaloid is a vocal synthesis program with various female avatars (including the current girl), and you can feed the program the lyrics and instrumentals of your choice. This makes for an immensely popular program, and I can understand it, if I had the time and a japanese computer (^^;;), I’m sure I would have given it a go !

Look, here is the BEST vocaloid video I ever saw, making great use of the program possibilities, and, instead of trying to minimize it, making great use of the unavoidable “electronic” sound of the female voice : Let’s Be Friends
(no kidding, watch it, it has subs, great sound, and a decent clip)

Mind you, the average vocaloid production still sounds uglier than the original. A wicked example, compare the real Air Opening with the Vocaloid version of Air’s Opening.

Vocaloid also offers funny choir options… but especially concerning the current Vocaloid charater, Hatsune Miku, to conclude, you absolutely musn’t miss that one :D
(and, only if you didn’t understand the last link, you can watch this and read this)

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15 years ago

Hey Oliver thanks for the doujin man.
But also thanks for explaining what vocaloid was, I had seen the girl a few times and couldn’t figure out if she was from an anime or a manga, well now I know. Thanks a bunch again dude.

15 years ago

There is another song where the electronic sound of the female voice is just perfect.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the song “Still Alive” from the video game Portal, in Japanese:


15 years ago

Many thanx Oliver.

15 years ago

Thanks for the release, Oliver. It’s kind of rare to find Vocaloid releases on Hentairules.

14 years ago

im just goin to say…
miku is just looked poor in any hentai manga
but i wondered if they're cum'd in miku's pussy or ass, lol
maybe miku's gettin spark and death?

14 years ago

Oli, there's a sequel to this called Sequence. If you're interested take a look…