I need your help and your opinion, PLEASE :) – Making Hentairules more “sociable”
Hello everyone,
I’m regularly suggested to make Hentairules more “sociable” and also, more practically, to allow visitors to edit their comments.
In this regard, I decided to test IntenseDebate for blogs, something VERY interesting :
– you have your own member profile, on which you can post bits of info about yourself, your links and the like
– you can edit your comments
– members rating : be cool and get your rating up
– other people can see what comments you wrote,
– the comments can now be threaded, in other words you can reply to a precise comment
– you can keep notice of new comments being replied to yours
– I think you can even send a message to other people who dropped a comment and who have a membership
– interaction with Facebook (removed : you may wish to hide you’re a perv !), Twitter and Open ID
– and more !
How does that sound, nice ?
Before applying it to Hentairules, please, can you help ?
(hidden meaning : I don’t want to make your surfing unpleasant, and Hentairules contains 18 000+ comments, I don’t want to expose them to something that’s not been tested yet)
I have installed IntenseDebate for blogs on the backup version of Hentairules, Hentairules.us.
Please, could you have a little bit of fun and play with this new comment system on the backup version, on hentairules.us, forcing yourself to add a few comments and test the different features ?
I’d be very grateful if, after testing and interacting with the other commenters, you could tell me what you think of it, in the end, in a comment added in the current post
Is it as cool as it looks ? Do you think it will be worth applying to Hentairules ? Are there hidden problems with it ?
Thanks for your help in advance
(Oh, and a remark : no, I won’t host a forum. It is far too much time-consuming, it would risk to have too much of a load on my server, and my country’s laws makes me responsible for whatever is posted inside a forum I created)
Apart from the (unnecessary) facebook part, it sounds good. Also, open ID is something of a shared account. If you have, let’s say a gmail account, you can use it to log in to youtube as well. There are some things you have to do to make it work, but that’s what it basically does. Haven’t really used it, but from what I discussed with my friend, openID promises a good security (unless facebook has none).
It looks great apart from the error of facebook that says “unable to validate session”. overall it looks good
Sounds nice, tou should really go on with this idea
Yes, the new system appears superior to this one. I’d say go for it.
I have used Intense Debate on a few websites (I’m a webdesigner), and I think it works great, specially from the webmaster’s point of view, since it offers some great tools for managing comments, blocking spam, and so on.
Since you had the good idea of testing it on a secondary website first, maybe you should also test some alternative systems, like Disqus Comments, to see which one you think fits better to your needs. I’m a little torn on which one I prefer, since both have some advantages. But it’s hard to choose a bad one among either.
I liked the new IntenseDebate for Commenting. I would prefer to post comments with it
I don’t think that having this site linked to your host account/ universal email add would be a great idea especially when you want anonymity in your life. <<afraid that hentairules will synchronize with his facebook account.
what!! that thing can be happen?!…. i do not wish to reveal myself….
I would very much like these changes,
think it can make the site more “user frendly and fun”.
yhea it is really nice it makes the blog looks more alive
A step in the right way!
I love the comment system
After using it and seeing how it affects others comments, I’ll list my pros and cons.
-Love the look of the comment system, shiny and transparent. I’m diggin’ it.
-I like the features that are needed (Reply,Edit,Delete) and they way they work, for the most part (See CONS list)
-I like the features it comes with, the fact that you can link your other social and blogging networks to it (though I’m not sure how much that would be used on here as others have stated) Also the fact that you can “follow” users posts, or even create an RSS feed for a particular user.
-IntenseDebate also gives you alot of plugins to play around with which, may or may not address my CONS list(I cannot see the plugins because I don’t have a blog with it installed).
-While I like the overall features that come with the comment system, I am not of fan of the comment indexing tree.(ex. A posts comment. B replies to A, then C replies to B, D then replies to A, but is thrown to the bottom.) Instead of creating discussion, it makes a giant list. For a good example of a comment tree, look at another site I lurk http://www.sankakucomplex.com/. This may be fixed by plugins, not sure.
-I do not like how by using features for IntenseDebate, it loads IntenseDebate on the tab you were looking at the site on. I wish it would load up on another tab instead of killing my browsing experience. Then again..I run 40 tabs on one browser.
Again with plugins I’m sure you can make the comment system even more snazzy then it already is, but overall it’s a pretty nice comment system. It adds functionality and a few features on the side. Hope this helps!
Wow, sounds good! Give it a go.
that’a a nice idea
holy shit this is a terrible idea.
comon let’s be honest, this is basically a porn site. porn sites are NOT for anything social besides superficial stuff. interacting with other….hentai enthusiasts sounds massively creepy.
Hentairules.us, comes with few days of old post, so … alright, don’t mind.
Bullshit, a lot of hentai sites have comments, that’s what make different porn site from hentai site, not to mention the subject(hentai). Personally i’m happy when a new doujin come to my house as well as manga, but i never bought RL porn.
Btw u can’t solo Oliver, ofc.
And, last thing, if i know u well, Oliver, u are doig it foe SEO sake too, and yes, this will improve page rank by 1 or even more^^
I am torn. this seems useful and even superior to the current system and reading the comments of other can give the less knowledgable an education of sorts on what is involved in obtaining and translating these works but it does seem to be more suited to a forum than a hentai porn site and most of us would probably prefer to remain as anonymous as possible so linking to any other personal info would be a turn off. besides I would think most people that come here want to leech and run so accurate feelings on topics may not be possible. ( but you may have better knowledge if this thought has merit with the experience you have with the current comment system.)
I think this will make this site more interesting, and definitely more sociable, maybe more people will feel more motivated to share hentai and receive our praise for their generosity Anyway it sounds fun! So go for it Oliver, you’re best dude!!!
hmm…. look like many poeple will say “yes”, well i will never know until i try it cuz…
” u never know until u try it”
i vote “yes”
I really want to post this comment in reply to something SubStrong said, on January 10th, 2010 at 2:16 am.
Because as soon as I saw the SanCom link in his comment I clicked it and saw that article on Sancom, about sexbots.
How about a forum? I can make it for you
@ SSS :
No, no forum. My country's law makes me legally and even penally responsible for whatever illicit that would be published and not moderated, even if I'm not the one setting up the forum, as long as this is looking like "the" official forum.
Too dangerous for me.