Good Morning [English], by Tsukino Jyogi
UPDATE : Good news, this page has become obsolete !
This story comes from a now complete manga, Chijou No Hito [English, 228 pictures].
The works only available in magazine scans have been re-made with the tank scans.
OK ? Get Chijou No Hito. – It’s cool, that makes less links to maintain in the long term !
Tsukino Jyogi. <3~
Aww, I love the mind games. Tsukino Jyogi is my favorite h-artist, but this and the last release (thanks Phantom & Yoroshii!) have felt a bit more demure than usual.
My only complaint is he use magazine version instead of tankouban.
Hurray for new member system. BTW it unbelievable that the guy in the story dick is so insensitive that he got to fuck every morning and don't realise it.
My theory: he either have really bad sleeping problem or balls of steel. xD
Jyogi is my favorite Hentai artist. Just wish this wasn't censored.
Actually, I had read that Tsukino Jyogi was a woman.
Go figure.
this guy is a 1/3 of the reason I read hentai today(Gunma and Distance a=are the other 2/3). back when my soul was still sparkling clean I stumbled upon one of his SFW frames and fell in love with his style, and the defilement started from there, lol.
You should check out Seto Yuki, Maybe and ED if you like Gunma, Distance and Jyogi style. I recommend Seto Yuki first (hypnotic orgasm face + beautiful proportion)
Actually this is the incomplete version as Phantom forgot 3 pages or so in his package! Take a look over at to get the full version.
Many thanx Oliver.
Oliver, as Nux mentioned before, this is not the full version. Some pages are missing. The correct
version is now on Phantom site.
Always love Jyogi's works. Shows a soft (And often squishy) side to S&M play.
Does having sex without knowing it count as Submissive?
i think it counts as rape
(Sigh) This guy has a beautiful girl willing to wake him up in the most pleasurable way, and he's undoubtedly ignorant of it all.
… that's it. I wanna kill him…
The weird thing about this is that he used the magazine scans (which have those white censoring areas) for it before he noted the missing pages and did the missing pages with the tank scans (which have medium-little sizes black bars as censoring)…
Yay, new comment system.
And thx for the share Oliver.