A question regarding a portable application

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 21 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

Hello, I’m asking just in case someone can help…

My old beloved Worms Armageddon CD didn’t survive my eldest son’s modelling clay therapy ( :cry: ), and now I’m trying various solutions to make the game work, or get another version to work. No-CD patches with ISOs from the internet (like worms.ru) didn’t work, so I was thinking of portable versions.

However – and this is here I’d appreciate help -, even though I tested with various versions, every time I launch the portable WA executable, this loads the program in fullscreen with wrong settings, and my screen displays an enormous but incomplete part of the game’s picture. Imagine my 1680×1050 monitor displaying only the hugely magnified upper-left quarter of the window of the game…

Would you know if there is a way, any way, to force the display settings of a portable app ?

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15 years ago

You can find a Worms Armageddon, World Party, Worms 3d or Worms 4 (Mayhem) all for PC versions (which you can just install no CD required) by torrents…(isohunt) is a good torrent website…

Anyways… There is also Worms as an APP and to force the FULL SCREEN, in order to force the resolution you gotta either have a jailbroken iphone and have a tweak called TVout if in your computer this case there's another one for it found through CYDIA or ROCK… anyways… sorta hope that Helps?

15 years ago

Worms Armeggedion? Get Worms World Party dirt cheap off eBay – no need to mess around with torrents and you’ll have a physical legal version all to yourself.

15 years ago

I'm trying to help but dont quite comprehend what u really want.

I understand ur game disc is broken and u want alernate way to run the game correct?
Do u wanna play Worms Armageddon (pc or playstation version?) on ur laptop?(portable app)
you're talking about ISO, so are ur probably talking about playstation ISO in emulator on ur laptop?

for display setting try to set screen resolution to maybe 800×600 and run the game again.

sorry never heard of portable apps until now lol. Is this the thing? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PortableApps.com
OR do u mean portable app as in USB driver? need some clarification.

15 years ago

I'm trying to help but dont quite comprehend what u really want.

I understand ur game disc is broken and u want alernate way to run the game correct?
Do u wanna play Worms Armageddon (pc or playstation version?) on ur laptop?(portable app)
you're talking about ISO, so are ur probably talking about playstation ISO in emulator on ur laptop?

for display setting try to set screen resolution to maybe 800×600 and run the game again.

sorry never heard of portable apps until now lol. Is this the thing? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PortableApps.com
OR do u mean portable app as in USB driver? need some clarification.

15 years ago
Reply to  RuptyJAV

Something is portable when you don't have to install it.


15 years ago

Worms Armageddon? Get Worms World Party which is superior :-)

Regardless get one or another dirt cheap off eBay – no need to mess around with torrents and you’ll have a physical legal version all to yourself.

Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris
15 years ago

Make a direct shortcut to the desktop then right-click it and select properties in this new window find the "target" field and it should say something like C:ProgramsyourApplication.exe you have to write -window after the exe. Eg: C:ProgramsyourApplication.exe -window

15 years ago

like CN said, editing the shortcut usually works…wooow man! thats a huge monitor u got there…lol, am on a nice lappy monitor 1280×800 :P

15 years ago

Worms world party works fine for me, it just have some minor bearable glitches in the menu that are gone after the first game, you should try a copy of it.

15 years ago

When you say you've tried no-cd patches, using ISO's, I guess you mean you burned a copy to a CD, installed it, and then tried a no-cd patch.

Instead, why not try using Daemon Tools ( or something similar), that makes a virtual CD drive, that you can load ISO's, and the program is (usually) fooled into thinking you have an actual CD in and actual drive.

15 years ago

Most PC games store their settings onto either .INF, .DAT or .INI files within their install directories or into the c:documents and settings[Your User Account Name]Application data[Game Name] folder. Usually, these files are simple text files which store settings like SCREEN_RESOLUTION: x,y , PICTURE(x,y), SIZE = X, Y, etc… If this is true to Worms Armageddon (can't say as I don't own the game), then you can "force" the resolution to fit your monitor size by these.

Another option is to "install" the game into WIndows 7's "XP Mode" or use either VirtualPC or vmWare in either Vista Business or XP Pro using a "Virtual Computer"… This method works with VERY OLD software titles (Anything prior to DirectX 7 or 8 at least).

15 years ago

Most PC games store their settings onto either .INF, .DAT or .INI files within their install directories or into the c:documents and settings[Your User Account Name]Application data[Game Name] folder. Usually, these files are simple text files which store settings like SCREEN_RESOLUTION: x,y , PICTURE(x,y), SIZE = X, Y, etc… If this is true to Worms Armageddon (can't say as I don't own the game), then you can "force" the resolution to fit your monitor size by these.

Another option is to "install" the game into WIndows 7's "XP Mode" or use either VirtualPC or vmWare in either Vista Business or XP Pro using a "Virtual Computer"… This method works with VERY OLD software titles (Anything prior to DirectX 7 or 8 at least).

15 years ago

I hope these ones work:

the game is in english but the page they're posted on is in spanish:




15 years ago

I hope these ones work:

the game is in english but the page they're posted on is in spanish:




15 years ago

Everything I could say has already been said so I'd just suggest looking for torrents (Since you own the game it's more legal than not owning it) or using the shortcut Chuck Norris described.

15 years ago

Just passing through, but when I read that it kindled old memories.

There's nothing else to be said on the matter of getting the game to run, however…

OBLIGATORY. Get The Fiddler!

Go to here: http://worms2d.info/The_Fiddler
and here: http://maz.me.uk/wormsmart/

It will make your game considerably more enjoyable :D . Happy experimenting!

15 years ago

go to downtr.net u can find worms there

15 years ago

i should try worms 4 mayhem!thats way better then amargeddon

15 years ago

torrentpond.com is my source.

I recommend uTorrent myself (i used to use azureus)

just make sure to read all the comments and invest time into actually searching before trying any torrents.

To run the isos (if you don't know) Get Daemon Tools.

15 years ago

Hi i find this i hope serve u

in the post in spanish said this: "it works Fine", "I donwload for my wife and works", "this "#$"#$ have worms (he means virus or its a joke i dont Know)"

the lurker
the lurker
15 years ago

You could try Wormux
Its an open-source clone