Ane Doki hentai doujin [English] : Seventeen 1, by Yoshu Ohepe

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 9 comments
Wet and Sloppy hentai =)

All right, more wet and sloppy hentai for the masses ! Thanks a lot to Setebos and Desu² :)

Seventeen is an Ane Doki parody, if you’re unfamiliar, this is the story of a 17-yo girl that the hazards of life make to live at the house of a 14-yo japanese teenager, offering a mix of ecchi and of aborted romance.
In this doujin, the two main characters finally have sex – in a way, this is less a doujin than a “hidden before-the-last chapter that ought to have existed”, if I may say…

For MORE stuff by Yoshu Ohepe, don’t miss The list of all his shares on Hentairules!

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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(18 MB, 29 pictures, English)

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15 years ago

Wai~ (^^)/

15 years ago

Wai~ (^^)/

Lil t
Lil t
15 years ago

First Bakuman by Kensoh Ogawa and now Ane Doki by Yoshu Ohepe!?
Damn it, Oli! U sure know how to treat your people right! :p
Thanks for making my day :)

15 years ago

Wonder if theyll make another seriies off of it when the boys older lol.cuz they*spoiler* kissed in the end and she said to wait fer her lol.all in all good ending to the serries(not prefered but ok)

15 years ago

Wow, that was fast!!! Thank you Oliver!

15 years ago

There wasn't a Yoshu Ohepe's share from long time, great to see him back again here.

13 years ago

Theres a second volume out there, right?

11 years ago

hope there's another season of anedoki