Mankai Otome [English, 205 pictures, Complete], by Maybe
(huhu, don’t you have a déjà-vu feeling ?)
With a lot of thanks to 4Dawgz and YQII, here is a VERY nice hentai piece, the complete Mankai Otome manga, full with happy sex, lots of love, petite female bodies belonging to women with a strong character, and with occasional nice humorous notes Each chapter is an independant story, sometimes rather plain or “casual”, sometimes very beautiful, like the bitter and sweet chapter 8, “Maiden Camellia”…
I hope I’m not mistaken, this re-packing gathers every translated work by Maybe I’ve been previously sharing on Hentairules, and this time they’re renamed correctly after the chapter from which they came.
This is now completely uncensored and with a higher resolution scan!
Get that version right here!
An IMPORTANT precision : this is the COMPLETE Mankai Otome manga, but NOT the FINAL Mankai Otome manga. You may have noticed not all scans have the same quality, some of them were made a longer time ago, from lower quality (magazine) scans. YQII is working on bringing a version entirely based on the HQ tank scans, even if that must be going to take a while to finish.
I liked a lot one of the heroines of the manga, she inspired this little bonus picture
Yeah, those tsundere panels were great. Thanks for the share, but I think I'll wait for the tank version.
I guess that when you say "every translated work by Maybe on Hentairules" you're only referring to this manga, because there's at least two works ('Chick in the Box' and 'Ane to Anetouto') that are not included here. Don't know if any of these ones are related to this manga. Anyway, yours are always top-notch shares.
Many thanx Oliver! Too bad the scans aren't top quality (yet), but damn, I just love that drawing style! _O_ The way the mangaka plays with the light and the shadows… It just radiates warmth. And the third panel of the Tsundere box… I think I'm in love. <3
All right, maybe I'm overreacting here, but you gotta agree it looks awesome. :p
I am waiting for YQII's tank version.
finally the full version, thanks a lot
Many thanx Oliver for this awesome release.
thank you, will be great reading this
Oh lawd, that preview picture is so hot. Thank you <3
dunno if anyone will read this post….
anyway, i found a non-hentai manga by Maybe called Takidani Koukou Manga Club. it’s a oneshot though
here’s the link to the page
dunno if anyone will read this post…
anyway. i found out a non-hentai manga by Maybe called Join The Best Manga Club. It's a oneshot though
here's the link to download page…
Maybe uses pretty nice poses and perspectives! Especially the tsundere chapters had those :-)