Gundam Seed hentai doujin [English] : Thank You, by Gold Rush

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 6 comments
Tags: comedy

Lacus is growing on me :)

This Gundam Seen female character, Lacus, is really starting to grow on me, I’m becoming attached to the way several hentai mangakas describe her :) Today, this is the case with Thank You, by my dear artist Gold Rush. My thanks go to Biribiri for this :)

In Thank You, I have been impressed by a pleasant “slice of life” feeling, you don’t even feel the characters belong to a supposedly much greater and dramatic story. There’s a funny humorous introduction, and then sex with mutual affection begins. Cute :3

(For MORE works by Gold Rush, Cf. The list of ALL his works on hentairules)

00thank you 01 00thank you 18 00thank you 23 

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15 years ago

If I'm not mistaken, this' third work by Gold Rush about Lacus. Is it me or this man is really into this char? Umm… now that I think it, it's like Black Dog with Sailor Moon. I guess mangakas have their own fetishes :p

15 years ago
Reply to  Joleil

well she was ranked as one of top ten best babes of anime so…

15 years ago

Many thanks Oliver,
but please correct me if I'm wrong.
I already downloaded an uncensored version of this on October 20th, 2009 by the name of "Thank You Lacus" when you shared it back then or is this one different?????????????????

15 years ago
Reply to  keosaku

I just checked and they are different. The earlier one is about her telling Meyrin and Lunamarie Hawke about sex with Athrun and Kira (with an awesome ending), while this is just about her and Kira spending time together.

15 years ago
Reply to  keosaku

It's another work different from this one. As I stated above: Gold Rush have a 'little fixation' with Lacus.

15 years ago

so now kira will use freedom when he has urges?