Pack of 5 works by Yoshu Ohepe [English, 133 pictures] : Sister Wants It, Spring Strawberry volumes 2-3-5, and Thul Twul Plan
With many thanks to Setebos, Brolen and the Randy Rabbits, here is something I was longing to share for a while, another pack of Yoshu Ohepe’s recently translated works Let’s be frank, the reason I didn’t share them one by one when they were published is also that they aren’t among Yoshu’s hyper-best creations, but as a pack, it’s finally worth it
Those 5 works are:
– Sister Wants It
– Spring Strawberry 2
– Spring Strawberry 3
– Spring Strawberry 5
– Thul Twul Plan 3
Summary : happy sex with love, tons of “wet and sloppy” sex… and no scenario to mention !
For MORE stuff by Yoshu Ohepe, don’t miss The list of all his shares on Hentairules!
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(57 MB, 133 pictures, English)
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Just a highlight about one of the works of this pack, Sister Wants It…
that is the first time I was SCARED by a manga by Yoshu Ohepe. On one picture the female char looks almost grotesque, on another picture it looks like the girl is trying to kill her sexual partner, crush his skull under heavy blows from her tits. And then, in the end, with the final picture, so beautiful, you suddenly forgive everything…
See what I mean about grotesque ?
I didn’t notice : she’s strangling him anyway !*
And then you forgive…
shit it's always good to have new and old yoshu ohepe work's thank's oliver and see the post on tsundere abou shihasu no okina
More Ohepe's works are always more happiness in our "otaku scary no-life" ^_^, many thanks for these shares. And referring to the collage-bonus pictures: I think that in second one she is stroking his cheek indeed of trying to kill him, at least is what I hope it is if was me who has being tit-attacked that way xD
Thanks Olli for the upload
not bad thanks for another fappable upload
Many thanx Oliver. Yoshu Ohepe is really awesome.
This mangaka is one of my favourtie thank you Oliver
thanx for this "sloppy & Plump" share Oliver!!!
Thanks for the share oliver, though I've got to say that Yoshu Ohepe's style isn't too much to my liking.
the posting system got a little bug… it says less than 1 minute ago on all of them… while some should be days, weeks and even monhts… cuz i revisited some old (really awesome posts thx for them all!) and it stood "less than 1 minute ago" on ALL of them:( just kinda bugs me, guess i am somekind of perfectionist or smthing :P)
From the very first day, even in "beta" tests on blog's backup, I've seeing almost everything fine with new comments' system, I haven't seen such related nor similar bug. Maybe you were revisiting very old posts when new system weren't established yet?
PS: TheShadow… that name… are you the HongFire's one? ^_^
From the very first day, even in "beta" tests on blog's backup, I've seeing almost everything fine with new comments' system, I haven't seen such related nor similar bug. Maybe you were revisiting very old posts when new system weren't established yet?
PS: TheShadow… that name… are you the HongFire's one? ^_^
Yup, Yoshu Ohepe is still one of my favorite artists. His art is just phenomenal and the level of intimacy shown is quite cool (albeit confusing .P).
Thanks alot Oliver.