Glass No Megami volume 3 [English, 195 pictures, this is the final volume !], by Mizuki Asamori

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 19 comments
she looks happy :D

With MANY thanks to LD and AntiAgingAnon, here is the third and final volume of Glass No Megami, one of the finest ecchi mangas I’ve ever seen :)

The drawings are as fine and as censored as I remembered, with that slighly annoying temporary pained expression on the women’s face when they climax. Really, it’s agreable to the eye :)

Scenario wise, you see, I’ve wasted 3 whole minutes trying to find a way to describe it and give you an idea without spoiling you the volume. I didn’t find -_- I’ll just say this 3rd volume brings a conclusion, both mature and candid in the same time :o

Related links : Glass No Megami volume 1 and volume 2

UPDATE : if you really liked it, you can also support the artist, you know ? It is possible to purchase the original manga on J-List :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(61 MB, 195 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

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14 years ago

I have to say, I just love it when stories end this way – no definite end, just the trails set for a happy future for the characters of the story

14 years ago

Awwww, I was hoping for a 3some end :(

14 years ago

yay, been waiting for this…thanks!

14 years ago

I like the ending… really touching….

14 years ago

anyone know the translator weblog??

14 years ago

From what far I know this guy started translating random works with some fellows not so far (few months ago), but I've never heard nor seen any blog related to him. I'll keep looking, for instance.

14 years ago

From what far I know this guy started translating random works with some fellows not so far (few months ago), but I've never heard nor seen any blog related to him. I'll keep looking, for instance.

14 years ago

From what far I know this guy started translating random works with some fellows not so far (few months ago), but I've never heard nor seen any blog related to him. I'll keep looking, for instance.

14 years ago

am so happy ……….. :")

14 years ago

i've been waiting for this 3rd volume to come out forever! thanks oliver

14 years ago

Many thanx Oliver for this super awesome post. Now, finally, i can read the whole story.

14 years ago

sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare XD thanx a lot Oli

14 years ago

WHAT? No. Just… no. A wuss like that doesn't deserve any of the girls. He should have just been left alone and miserable. What kind of retard is incapable of spitting out what he wants to say even after deciding to say it clearly? Should have been brained with an axe or something. That would have been a fitting end.

14 years ago

sweeeet final :)

I liked it too much yay!

I dedicate this manga a song
"The Devil and the Deep Dark Ocean" from Nightwish


14 years ago

I don't want to read the other comments because the might have spoilers, but I just want to say that I really have enjoyed this manga a lot…I started reading it first from Solaris SVU but then Oliver posted the complete volumes and now here's the final chapter…sigh…it's sad but everything must come to an end…

14 years ago

The overall story is real nice :D

however it's just sad that our main characters can't have all the girls… :(

12 years ago

I 'm the one who have the same stituation like this. I meet a girl just like main girl big boom. well-figure. big ass. but not a beatiful much. We worked together & know each orther just 2 week. Then I take her to a romantic place Then we start having love. She's breast is mavellous great Big & samll nipple. & Small womb. But My cock is too big the first time I put in I'm so afraid that It was not fit. But somehow She said I laid her. So she broke up with me with just 1 reason. I laid. In fact I don't know how to tell. I just want to be with her. She My love I loved her much even now. I 'm living in the hell even It's two year past. Each time I see her at work. I try to look at another face. I know She hate me. She don't want to see me & My face. Don't say that We can be just friend. I 'm ashamed to dream of. If anyone pls give me an option so that I can get over it. Thanks