The Nosebleed [English], by Tsuyatsuya

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 19 comments
Tags: happy sex
too bad there is lightsaber censorship

In the real world, repeated nosebleeds means you’re in danger of random brutal death by a ruptured aneurysm. In the hentai world, that means you’re a sexually available :lol:

Here’s a lightweight Tsuyatsuya freebee, showing happy sex between an available young person with fragile aneurysms having happy sex with a young MILF, enjoy :)

There is no scenario to mention and, to be frank, I really regret the “lightsaber” censorship.
My thanks go to Nemui from Hentainfo, this is his first scanlation, congratulations :) He’s got an interesting blog, you may want to visit it and drop him a thanks ?

(MOAR! For MORE works by this artist, Cf the List of ALL my TsuyaTsuya shares)

english hentai

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(7 MB, 22 pictures, English)

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15 years ago

Altough this' a Tsuya work, I'm often not very into shota. No exception here :p, passing to next one.

15 years ago
Reply to  Joleil

How come it became shota in your eyes? 2nd year university student… So what, are you into fat, old farts?

15 years ago

Not shota literally, I mean a very significant age difference between boy and woman, just in this case. If I've to be precise you're right: it's not really shota but milfs what turns me off, almost quite often.

15 years ago
Reply to  Joleil

At some point in your life, you will reach the age where MILFs are the same age as you, and you will appreciate them much more.

15 years ago
Reply to  Zathael

Yeah yeah, I'm not saying that Milfs dislike either disgust me, of course I'll reach a point when I'll become the "not-so-turning-on-one" ;). I'm just saying that, specially in hentai, its not one of my favorites plot around there.

15 years ago

Yeah big boobed mature women fucking eager young men DISGUSTING

15 years ago

“Lightsaber Activate”

15 years ago

i think just fine
every single man like a young girl to so it's same

15 years ago

The grammar employed by the denizens of this website makes me sad. Great comics though.

15 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Anon, you have to remember that for many people here, including Oliver, English is not their native language. So please, cut them some slack.

15 years ago

I oliver my new chap is a bit late but here you go i found this over at Doujin-moe it's a Kensoh Ogawa aka Fukudahada work, i don't think you have this one here is the link:

there is something funny in this one i think the order of the pages is changed

15 years ago

I oliver my new chap is a bit late but here you go i found this over at Doujin-moe it's a Kensoh Ogawa aka Fukudahada work, i don't think you have this one here is the link:

there is something funny in this one i think the order of the pages is changed

15 years ago

didn't know i just fund it there but there is one new that i found but it's in is RAW and it's a Doujinshi i think if you are interested just replay to this post the name is :
[Kensoh Ogawa (Fukudahda)] Lovely Kyousei Event (Amagami)(C77)

15 years ago

I like Tsuyatsuya's works. It's not even near the best bust its always enjoyable 4 me… nice!