Redirection page : Shunjou Shuusuke’s (春城秋介) works on HentaiRules

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 9 comments


THIS is the page I will update with the list of all the works by Shunjou Shuusuke that I share on HentaiRules. The artist’s name has also been seen written as Shunjyo, Shujou, Shunjyou, Shushuke, Shunsuke, Shunjo, Shusuke… So, if you search his name, be creative ;)

Shunjou Shuusuke draws very beautiful mangas, his girls have exceptionally arousing faces and hot bodies, usually plentiful. The hardest you’ll see is occasional anal sex, and it’s almost always happy sex without bad complications.

Also part of the Spring Castle circle.

Here are the covers of the works by Shunjou Shuusuke shared on HentaiRules, and below them are the links to the gallery and download pages.



NOTE: If you’re looking for Teasing Minuet, Home Lesson, Secret Affair or Let’s Be Friends, they are all part of the Watashi No Shinai OO Na Koto.

Their Secret Conference is the second chapter of Venus Rhapsody.

Double Faced, Ex-Girlfriend, Natural or Leisurely Days, they are all now part of Nee, Mou Sukoshi Dake…

Private Lesson, Secret Lesson, My Lovely Landlord and Sentiment are now part of Tada Koishikute, Aitakute.

The Earnest Captive [English, 212 pictures]

Earnest Hearts [English]
(Suzumiya Haruhi hentai doujinshi)

Tada Koishikute, Aitakute [English, 227 pictures, with the chapter 1 Uncensored]

Onegai, Sukoshi Yasumasete… ~Karada Torokeru Sex no Ato ni~ [English, 202 pictures]
(“Please, Take a Little Break… ~After the Body Melts~”)

Anoko No Kawari Ni Suki Na Dake [English, 195 pictures]
(“Do Anything You Like To Me In Her Place”)

Kaori’s Secret [English]

Lecherous Virgin [English] (AnoHana hentai doujinshi)

Maria’s Desire [English]
(Arakawa Under The Bridge hentai doujinshi)

Nee, Mou Sukoshi Dake… [English, 220 pictures, now FULLY uncensored]

Postponement Warning [English]

Venus Rhapsody [English, 258 pictures, Uncensored]

Watashi No Shinai OO Na Koto [English, 259 pictures, Uncensored]

Precision : one story in this book (“Home Lesson”) is the continuation of a story present in Venus Rhapsody (cf above). For consistency reasons, I added to this volume the beginning present in Venus Rhapsody.

Solitude [English]

Once You’re Away From Home, You Can Do Anything [English]

Osaekirenai Kono Kimochi chapter 4 [English]

Motoyan Hitozuma Jukujo No Oba-san Ni Seishori O Onegai Shita [English]

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14 years ago

eh is a great artist…tanks SHUNJYO

dari Indo
dari Indo
14 years ago

for the title for this thread, mangaka’s name: Shunjyou Shusuke

for the file name, mangaka’s name: Shunjo Shusuke

for my database, mangaka’s name: Shunjyo Shusuke

Hmmm……………., what name is the right one

Shunjyou OR Shunjo OR Shunjyo ??????

but, i think it should be “Shunjyo Shusuke”, if you just look at the tank cover, you would know :D

13 years ago
Reply to  dari Indo

It's "Shunjou Shuusuke".

13 years ago

Love Shunjyo Shushuke work definitely one of the great one and one of my fav artists.

12 years ago

SS, should change his name to cat daddy. All his women have cat eyes and poses.

Thanks for the upload.

12 years ago

Oliver, I think Wordpress is broken. No matter what I do this keeps happening D: (Look at the new stuff)

12 years ago


6 years ago

So, what happened with him? Does anyone knows his wereabouts?