The new children-friendly mascot for the Olympic Games
Never lose hope in Poland. They may be the most ultra-conservative country of my poor continent, their press still gave me my loudest, strongest and most intense laughter crisis since February began
I won’t explain, please follow that link instead
(An absolutely unrelated remark, please, if I may ask : in Photoshop CS2, the starting layer is automatically the background layer – how the fook can I state that this is another layer that has to become the background, while the background layer becomes “free” again ?? Thanks if you can help in a comment
– UPDATED : OK, thanks for the replies guys, you’re cool )
lol. Yah, I saw this a few weeks ago. While funny as it is, It was sort of…annoying, since I'm from Vancouver… XD
Someone trolled this Polish newspaper. lol
Also, I don't think you can unlock a background layer in Photoshop, Oliver. But instead you can duplicate it and delete the original.
About the photoshop question:
Double click the layer and hit OK on the popup to "free" it. I dont know how to set some layer as background tho, but you probably dont actually need to.
Just drag whatever layer you want to be the bg to the bottom of all the other layers for it to be the bg. But do unlock the original bg first.
Another way to change that Photoshop problem (sorta): Select the starting layer, then make a copy of it by dragging it to that small icon on that very window that looks like a sheet with a corner folded. Now delete the "original"(the one with the perpetual, annoying lock). You will end having a layer than you can move up or down your layer's order as you please, thus allowing you to put a "background layer" below it.
Hahahah I saw this some days ago! Yays for Pedobear!
Greetings from Poland!
As a (not always) proud citizen of Poland, all I can say is… well, we keep on screwing up A certain company made a jar of pickles with picture of Sonic the Hedgehog and called him a "dragon", so yeah.
Though this is way funnier.
I have no idea what to say.
Even after i laughed out hard.
Its easy, follow only this:
1. To convert a background into a layer:
Only make double-click on it, then a popup window appears – click OK and its a normal one.
2. To convert a layer into a background:
1. Select a layer in the Layers palette.
2. Choose Layer > New > Background from Layer.
Is that what u wanted with ur question??
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Pedobears says!!!, looks a legit participant of the games….ROLF
older as it is, still funny as hell.
Ha! wanna hear something funny, Pedo means fart in Spanish. Fartbear, hahaha!
Easiest way for me, is to just copy and re-paste the background as a new layer =]
ctrl+a, ctrl+c, ctrl+v has become a starting habit anymore!
All right, thanks a lot guys for the photoshop help
Ha ha ha ha ha x)
copy your background then, delete it, then merge the second layer and that layer and lock it.
As another proud citizen of Poland lemme say this – we can make sonic into a dragon advertising pickles, internet meme into olympic mascot, disgusting pedophile into worldwide known artist so next natural step in evolution will be making live adaptation of Boing Boing Teacher
Hooray for Poland ! :p