Just a little photoshop question…
Hello there, if you’re a Photoshop user, I’d have a simple little question…
UPDATE : Done ! It’s all right now, kind helpers were cool and gave me the reply I needed
I removed the question I was asking, otherwise more kind helpers would have wasted their time still wanting to add their own reply
Not sure about what you're trying to say. I haven't used gimp, but in photoshop, there is something called "Free transform".
Use the selection tool and select an area, then rightclick in the selected area and choose "free transform".
i didn't get what you are saying but use the Free transform as was sayed above just use the retangular tool and then right click and choose Free transform or you can use those tool (polygono lasso tool, single row marque tool or column or the best tool of all the pen tool witch you can make any form
one more thing oliver i have a pack of edition programs :
(Portable.Photoshop.CS3, Corel Painter X Portable, Topaz DeNoise 3.01 & Topaz Clean2 Photoshop Plug-in, Adobe.Photoshop.CS4.Lite) all in one pack with 300 Mb if you want it i'll upload it and you can chosse wich photoshop to use i prefer CS3
Thanks Vaizard for Taihen, thanks a lot, but I'll pass on the graphical editors pack
I need photoshop occasionally, but I don't need so many programs. I think my photoshop is CS2 or CS3, and it is already perfect
(I just wish Gimp took on quadrichromy and had wicked text editing features, sigh)
1: right click on selection -> "transform selection". When you use the selection tool, you can also use shift and alt to add or substract from your selection. This works with all selection tools and you can combine tools as you wish.
2: crl + R to show rulers. go to "view" menu -> "new guide". Make sure snap is enabled, which you also find in the "view" menu.
hope it helps and I understood your question.
Don't think "Free transform" is what you want, as that scales/deform that you have selected.
Thank you everyone, and thank you Anon
Case solved for the day =)
Just noticed that you can just click and drag from the rulers to create a guide line, so you don't need to go into the menues all the time.
oh, and hold shift while moving your selection to lock it to horizontal or vertical movement.
.. and stick with PS cs3…
42… the answer was always 42.
42… the answer was always 42.