I think I'm going to consider uncensoring the rest too. I know full well that there isn't much censorship here, and talent and time would probably be better spent at something more challenging – but then again, I had never uncensored anything back then, so I figured this would be perfect as a way of learning.
Quick question, Oliver: Why do the picture galleries show double images for all the pages of c1-5?
Anyway, consider c6-9 done… as in "soon to be done"… with "soon" as in "sometime in the distant future, we can consider it to come around soon". Or something. I'm bad at promising times, so I'd rather do it faster than expected than make deadlines I fail to keep.
Though it's probably not so important, and now I've gone off ranting again; I always write too much, and then I feel conscious about it afterwards, and then… sorry, ranting.
Since I am ranting, here's a little incitement for everyone to start uncensoring themselves:
While you work, there is a small to slight chance that you'll suddenly realise that the area of the picture that you're working with is shaped exactly as your home country! Happened to me…
If you wouldn't mind would you please be more descriptive in your tags, like adding big-tits and small-tits? I don't like hentai with nothing but these giganto-boobs and a tag would help me skip them. Thank you for your hentai and your hard work!!!
14 years ago
The broken Maid Bride links on get-hentai brought me to hentairules. So: Hell do I owe this guy…
Well, the censors isn't much since the beginning, unlike those of Yuki Yanagi
Aww… disappointing that the new chapters don't continue the story. Doesn't kill the talent at all, I just want to read more about the pair.
I dont get it… this is the complete manga?
well thx anyway for this great upload
i wish the 2nd chapter was a second chapter rofl.
Now that's more like it! Much better than the disappointingly rape-y and unpleasant 6-7.
Many thanx Oliver.
Many thanx Oliver.
I think I'm going to consider uncensoring the rest too. I know full well that there isn't much censorship here, and talent and time would probably be better spent at something more challenging – but then again, I had never uncensored anything back then, so I figured this would be perfect as a way of learning.
Very educational, it was.
Please do :p
oliver YQII is already trans the RAW of yamatogawa and i thinks it will be done i a week or soo so in about 3 weeks you will have the full book BYE
Quick question, Oliver: Why do the picture galleries show double images for all the pages of c1-5?
Anyway, consider c6-9 done… as in "soon to be done"… with "soon" as in "sometime in the distant future, we can consider it to come around soon". Or something. I'm bad at promising times, so I'd rather do it faster than expected than make deadlines I fail to keep.
Though it's probably not so important, and now I've gone off ranting again; I always write too much, and then I feel conscious about it afterwards, and then… sorry, ranting.
Since I am ranting, here's a little incitement for everyone to start uncensoring themselves:
While you work, there is a small to slight chance that you'll suddenly realise that the area of the picture that you're working with is shaped exactly as your home country! Happened to me…
Ah shit, I didn't see I screwed up the gallery.
I must have given twice the same gallery to upload, instead of giving it once, so I have double codes, that's something that already happened before.
Sorry :o
Thanks Emerald Light for decensoring.
Also thanks YQII for new chapters and Oliver for sharing.
oh yeah, now this is much more refreshing!
oh yeah, now this is much more refreshing!
If you wouldn't mind would you please be more descriptive in your tags, like adding big-tits and small-tits? I don't like hentai with nothing but these giganto-boobs and a tag would help me skip them. Thank you for your hentai and your hard work!!!
The broken Maid Bride links on get-hentai brought me to hentairules. So: Hell do I owe this guy…