Pack of 4 works by the artist Poyopacho [English, 112 pictures]
Poyopacho is a terribly prolific artist, and yet, he is “one of these artists”, every time I see something by them, I deem it good but not exceptional and then I decide to share something else. Well, it’s been now 4 works by Poyopacho I haven’t shared yet, I guess I can now make it a pack Fast summary : the drawings are average but they have a pleasant “hand-drawn” touch missing some more popular artists (I’m not saying everyone is now being photoshope-assisted like for Gantz, but you get the idea). The scenarii are above average for doujinshi, and they’re about mostly happy sex. For the rest, see and decide by yourselves ! ^^ My sincere thanks to Imari, Torwyn and Nemesis who did, once again, a great job |
On another page of Hentairules, I also share Poyopacho W, it’s in English.
These works are : Crisis, G, MP and Z. Yeah, weird names, I know.
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(53 MB, 112 pictures, English)
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huhu, looks like 2day is dojin-pack day, huh? :p
thanks for the delicious shares ^_^
Many t5hanx Oliver.