Beastie Girls [English, 205 pictures, Complete], by Sameda Koban
At last, something I waited since october 2009, here is the COMPLETE Beastie Girls, by Sameda Koban, with my sincere thanks to Ryuu No Tamashii and Ehud, Zathael, Anon, Afro Thunda, two Anons, Wadauo, and Leopark |
This manga is an example of those rare occasions when the scenario brings an actual and highly appreciated “value added”, a pleasure of reading the dialogues, of grasping the story, that the drawings alone couldn’t convey – it’s pleasant Scenario wise, these are short stories with weak to good scenario, with mostly happy sex, I just regret it wasn’t more often into hardcore drawings.
(Side bonus : PENIS SLAP ! ^^)
For MORE hentai greatness, cf. The list of Sameda Koban’s works !
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(69 MB, 205 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
Now, I’ll add a remark, if you liked it and you liked Ryuu No Tamashii’s work, you can also support him, as well as bringing more hentai goodness to the community, take a look at his commissions
thank you.
shit no key again oh well next time xD
See, everyone, that's the reaction of someone receiving a one-month key by email
and That's how it should be thanks oliver i'll try to use it has the best i can
Congratulations Vaizard, you're a lucky guy ^^ Enjoy it.
thanks but i would be happy with a 24 h, so with this i'm really out of my mind xD
Indeed that face was hilarious. This share means my day's gettin' even better. Thanks, Oliver.
Why is this version 69 MB, and the English download on is 109.8 MB?
Uoah, it seems really awesome. Thanks a lot Oliver.
(sorry Oliver, i made a comment on the Shining Musume vol.6 chapt.2 post: have you read it ? Because i'm from Italy, i can comment only in very strange hours for all of you^^)
we are all from many places like me i'm from protugal, there are a lot of germans, france… many europe people visit this place, for instance my blog most visits come from here and yoroshi place and 50 % are american, 15 % France 13% German 7% Portuguese …
Awesome…i'm bothering so much because right now, Shining Musume took my life away^^. And i'd like to talk of it everytime.
Awesome…i'm bothering so much because right now, Shining Musume took my life away^^. And i'd like to talk of it everytime.
no one got the key ??? where's the thanks, hey people at least say thanks Oliver give you a freakin gold account for 2 weeks, do you know we could sell does if he wanted.
"And, you know, I have grown used to receiving a “thank you” from the person who benefitted from the key, don’t break the trend if you’re the winner ! Gratitude is the fuel powering me, don’t forget that."
It makes me bitter, but what can I do about it, sadly.
Oh, I know, wait.
I could for instance tell that the username that took this ID is "qaden1", and that a quick google search allows to find who is that person.
I'm certain it would leave a bad trace if it were known that Qaden1 loves sick porn with lots of incest inside, this is such a shame, this person has no christian values.
let's add more keywords
qaden1 porn sick incest christian shame
The worst part is that I don't even feel remorse, lol ^^
Don't be hatin' on incest porn Oliver, that is my all time favorite type of story. I blame it all on the "Super Taboo" series, and the fact that when I was younger, I had a cousin who was totally hot that I used to fantasize about all of the time.
Don't worry Zathael, I've got nothing at all against incest, I have grown to ignoring the fact that there may be, or may not be, a family tie.
In the very beginning it was shocking me, but I have grown accustomed to it (except father-daughter, I don't know why but that one still definitely puts me off)
I was just making sure the jerk who didn't bother to drop a simple "thanks" was most likely to be flagged a sick pervert by anyone googling to find background information about him.
That is, until that person cares to finally thank me, at that time I'll remove the nasty lines, I'm not evil.
It makes me wonder if this is a Japanese thing, or if more people around the world fantasize about having sex with their siblings and parents than I think. The cousin thing I can let slide as that is acceptable is western nations as well(Some anyways), but I often wonder if their are siblings or parents and child getting it on in Japan as much as hentai would like us to believe.
If you search around a bit using Google, you will quickly find that it is in fact widely believed that incest occurs much more in Japanese society than in other places, with an unusually high rate of mother-son incest. I don't know for sure if it is actually true, but as long as there is some belief that it happens, it makes sense that a lot of hentai stories would use the incest theme.
LOL thats was fast Oliver but let's burn that guy
I have a favor to ask you all if you please could regist yourself in otako zone with this link i would apreciate…
I'll gain a small bonus for my self please register you don't have to use it just 1 m of your time and then forget about it ok please.
I have a favor to ask you all if you please could regist yourself in otako zone with this link i would apreciate…
I'll gain a small bonus for my self please register you don't have to use it just 1 m of your time and then forget about it ok please.
Okay, need a little help.
Page twenty appears to be an ad for another hentai comic (The blondey guitar carrying girl with piercings poking her tongue out), but what is it?
Totally the type of gal I wish was in hentai more often ^_^
^^^Actually, it’s page 19
sorry about this once again Oliver, but….
mmn, DROP!"
Bonjour Olivier, je voulais simplement te dire qu'on dirait que ton lien pour changer de page sur la page principale semble ne plus fonctionner.
Et aussi, comme toujours, merci pour le post =)
Lun, je peux avoir un screenshot s'il te plaît ? J'ai du mal à saisir le problème…
On dirait que le probleme s'est resout tout seul Bref, le "next page" n'apparaissait pas et le drop-down pour sauter a une page en particulier n'etait pas la non plus.
Ah bah, va comprendre ^^
Merci d'avoir signalé le bug
This looks great Oliver – thank you !
Thanks for all the great shares, Oliver. You really do provide a wonderful variety of material, and I have also noticed you make a much more concerted effort to credit the scanlators & sponsors. My question about the different file size wasn’t negative, just curious.
As for the Gold Key, had I gotten it, I would have sung your praises to the heavens. For those of us not fortunate enough to get it, I direct your attention to the VERY BOTTOM of each page here, there’s a Deposit Files “Gold Night” link. If you click this link between 1:00 AM & 2:00 AM EDT[Eastern Daylight Time, where I live] (6AM-7AM GMT, where Oliver lives), you will receive a FREE Gold Key for between one day or one week. It’s not a month or 2 weeks, but it’s much better than NOTHING! If you click it now, it will tell you yow many hours & minutes UNTIL the Golden Hour starts.
Since I’ve never seen this on any other site, I assume it’s something special Oliver arranged with Deposit Files, AND I THANK YOU, OLIVER!!!
I have personally gotten 3 one week keys and about 6 one day keys, so this is NO SCAM! Try it, you’ll like it.
Thanks again, Oliver, for all your hard work. Now, if only you had a perverted cousin who was into posting Loli….
Sameda rocks
I recall reading bits and pieces of this years ago, but at last it's complete, thanks for the post.