Gundam hentai doujin [English] : Burning volume 2, by Harukaze Soyogu of Circle Gust
My previous pack of 9 doujinshi by Gust was a total failure if I trust the number of downloads, but after all, this is my blog, I share what I want and/or what I prefer So, as an addition to this pack, here is the translated version of Burning 2, very kindly provided by Nethan, featuring simple and extremely happy sex between two Gundam characters – I liked a lot the drawings
(Remember to view The updated list of ALL Gust’s works on Hentairules)
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(11 MB, 25 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
A precision maybe, I may write “by Gust”, however Gust is actually a circle, a gathering of artists. Its two main figures are Gust-san (AKA “the Mc Donald’s of hentai”, behind the Iro serie for instance) and Harukaze Soyogu (behind the current work and a few others).
I give the link again, click here to browse all my shares “by Gust”
Gust-san is the best for happy douijin, bust it's a good share
I'm not sure you made a typo or a play on words, with "bust it's a good share"
My bad, i "but is a good share", thanks
i remember something about you not having all 5 of Burning (00-04) just wondering if its true or not b4 i waste my time uploading them for you
ah to hell with that, im on a caffeine induced insomnia spree right now, so ive had nothing but time to wast for the last 4 days ill email ya the link
Many thanx Oliver.
Aye, many thanks to ye Oliver ^^