Operation Megaupload Premium Account :D
I need a few more downloads to renew my megaupload premium account (10 000 downloads = 1 month premium), so I mirrored some of my most popular shares to megaupload, hoping it will interest some of you guys
I’m not asking that you download the files if you already have them of course, however, if you don’t have these mangas, consider it a good opportunity, hmm ?
You can even share the link around you ? :3
(yeah, I need my megaupload premium status badly )
I mirrored two mangas to Megaupload :
Aqua Bless [English, Uncensored Tank Version], by Yamatogawa
— Megaupload download link HERE
Mai Favorite [English, Uncensored Tank Version], by Gunma Kisaragi
— Megaupload download link HERE
OMG! Thank you so much for using MU now, Oliver. :DD
cant you download the file several times and give several hits using an ip switcher? just sayin ;p
I'm on fixed IP (the same since 2006), and even if I had a changing IP, it would take me a shitload of time in exchange of a shitload of efforts just for a monthly premium account :p
when you'll have the megaupload premium account you'll think about adding also megaupload as a mirror for every new upload? ^^
no, I'll only offer MU links as long as I'll need points to earn my premium account back
>.> Well if it was expiring you should have done it sooner. Since your Uploading account is jacked up, and has been for a while.
At the time I was still sharing hentai movies, some of my MU files were used by other persons and earned me a TREMENDUOUS amount of points, enough to have a premium account alive until yesterday.
And uploading.com and megaupload.com are two entirely different hosts, you know…
I know this might sound stupid, but lifetime account on megaupload, is it really one pay and premium forever?
Yep. I think Lifetime is pretty much self-explanatory, don't you think?
Since he asked, I *suppose* it might not have been as obvious as we could have thought
a lifetime account, yes, it is a lifetime account.
I had accumulated enough points for a yearly premium, but not for a lifelong premium, sadly ^____^
i'd help ya, i truely would, but i purchased depositfiles just to have a direct line to your heart >:|
No problem, as I wrote, I'm not asking that you download it for nothing, I'm certain that, if I make regular "old posts with megaupload links" shares, I'll get enough points for a premium account again
personally i really like megaupload, ive always gotten high dl speeds from them, but i remember your post like a year ago about why you chose certain hosts or whatever so ill leave it.
DF isnt 'horrible', per se, just not as great as megaupload. in my experience.
It's true, Megaupload is better for YOU in all regards. But MU isn't contributing to paying my hosting fees with a little bit of bonus beer money in the end, whereas depositfiles, as far as it is concerned, is actually helping to fund this
Maybe all the older downloads (9hz and usercash links) available via MU, that would be awesome.
Or just re-uploading them to the regular vendor.
I've contributed with the download to help oliver, it's has benn since forever that I like your hentairules.net, so It's the less I can made for you. If I had paypal money surely I'll donate.
thank you. Keep posting so good releases.
PD. I remember the post when you say 'a Yamatogawa day is always a good day' so with the release Power Play even with only the chapter 0 I thinked It was good so I'll look foward for it (and sorry for the bad english, in venezuela we speak spanish)
you can donate? o.o
paypal will burn me alive if my paypal ID ever gets leaked again publicly on a porn place, so, it's hard.
At the present time, the people who want to donate money use the trick with the hentai sponsor that I usually link in my galleries, a 24-hours trial costs you one dollar and earns me 25$, but the nasty trick is that half of the time this sponsor will have this trial automatically transformed into a full membership if the trial isn't manually cancelled by "you" in the next 24 hours, so I have to clearly indicate this to the persons interested in helping.
Sounds complicated, but i love this site so ill try it later…btw i iz numba 22222 rofl
Was going to download Mai Favorite but I got this message:
The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable.
Bad luck for you ! It's just temporary
Thx for answering. I'm using a US IP to download because I'm from Argentina and is not a "qualifying country" T.T (sucks to post this and not receive any point)
Aqua Bless is deleted.